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HUM FPX 1150 Assessment 4 Creative Process of Creating and Interpreting Cultural Artifacts

Capella University

HUM_FPX 1150

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November 2024 

Culture and Artistic Expressions’ Influence on Human Thought and Behavior

People need art to reflect cultural values and guide society as a whole, as life reflects people’s experiences and visions. As the product of the evolution of creativity and communication, what artists depict in their works may far exceed the historical records of different societies. Studies reveal that art plays a crucial role in shaping personal identity; can evoke compassion, consequently, cultivate friendship, and open the minorities’ voice. Literature, music, arts, and theatre performances automatically click with the society’s populace and simultaneously bring about changes that create societal discussion, creative ideas, and personal transformation. For instance, a survey conducted by the University of Arts London in 2022 showcased that real-life settings that are artistic can enhance mental health The other studies also point out that art, as a participation, increases youthful educational and cognitive accomplishments. Art also creates economic benefits, giving creative workers outlets for income while also helping societies recognize cultural and social differences, solidarity, and shared humanity.

Introduction of the Artifact

While arguing with my brother Alex regarding different cultural outputs, we got to an interesting piece of narrative fiction called Gate A-4 by Naomi Shihab Nye. This paper will engage in the identification of activity themes in Nye’s work and, in this regard, consider Alex’s insights into the artifact. The story based on experiences relates to an incident in an airport where Nye assists a hysterical Palestinian lady. Despite these different languages and the cultural differences these two people embraced each other and this shows us when people are kind-hearted such things can easily unite them.

In gates A-4, Nye uses her tri-ethnic background to create the story of empathy. She’s proved what many aspire to but very few achieve: their message will be viewed and listened to across the borderline as an equal kind since everyone becomes touched by compassion, which is a language regardless of color, nation, gender, or any barriers.

Reflection on the Artifact

Reflecting on Nye’s Gate A-4, the central theme of the artifact becomes clear: the meaning and significance of human kindness as well as love. Nye shows that people always leave a good and longer-lasting impression on them even when the interactions they have are for a shorter time and he has made his readers appreciate the importance of empathy in society which is becoming tight and congested. Her articles encourage the readers to compare culture and language differences to strive to be kinder and more compassionate towards people. For a harmonious society, the story shows that one needs to embrace the culture of empathy to change society.

Artifact Influence on People’s Thinking and Behavior in the Future

The story in Gate A-4 remains one of the most significant sources of hope that other similar changes in the perception of outcasts and hatred might come in the future. Such an instance is presupposed by Nye’s story to mean that people of different races or colors are bound to respect each other hence embracing each other’s company. This message is especially relevant at present when societies are gradually turning into a plurality. In valuing empathy and adjusting priorities towards the focus on people, people can cultivate a more understanding and socially just world regardless of cultural and language differences.

Use of Creative Process for Problem-Solving, Relationship-Building, and Social-Awareness Skills

Gate A-4 reveals that art provides an opportunity for transforming creative thinking, interpersonal, and communication skills, as well as problem-solving aptitudes. In her writing, Nye enumerates the many ways that people can use empathy to bring about change and to encourage people to strive to become more understanding of each other. Erasing hatred, Nye’s story shows that creativity also encompasses outward communication, problem-solving, and social interaction through/for/with emotions.

Interpretive Process as a Collaborative Process

Interpretations of any artifact, including Intersecting Paths, also become a community, people, and an individual contribute and enhance understanding of the work by Nye. When the readers decode the themes, as well as the emotions depicted in Gate A-4, they also turn them into deeper personal conclusions and contribute to bolstering the understanding of what Nye wants to convey to the audience. This approach to work opens up an expanded viewpoint by the persons, as they can join in showing interpretations as they come together into stressing the intolerance and immuring of cultures’ variances.

HUM FPX 1150 Assessment 4 Conclusion

Therefore, Gate A-4 by Naomi Shihab Nye presents a heart-touching argument on the impact of art that shapes future thought processes and behavior. Nye tells her story that she has taught people that people need to embrace one another instead of ignoring each other courtesy of differences in language. This paper has again demonstrated how interaction with cultural objects like the Gate A-4 creates a better world as the societal barriers to unity and togetherness would be removed by the art that has been brought out.

HUM FPX 1150 Assessment 4 References

Arts Council England. (2022). The Impact of Arts on Well-Being in the Elderly. Journal of arts & society, 48(1), 56-72.

Nye, N. S. (2007). Gate A-4. Tikkun, 22(4), 32. Shaw, M., & Crawford, L. (2021). Art and Inclusivity: Empathy in Multicultural Settings. Social Science Quarterly, 102(5), 1015-1029.

Veissière, S. P., Constant, A., Ramstead, M. J., Friston, K. J., & Kirmayer, L. J. (2020). Thinking Through Other Minds: A Variational Approach to Cognition and Culture. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 43.

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