NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 2 Managing the Toxic Leader


Capella University

NURS-FPX5007: Leadership Nursing Practice

Instructor’s Name

September 25th , 2024

Managing the Toxic Leader

In any organization, toxic leadership is a concern; however, increasing stressors such as those found in psychiatric facilities intensify the problem. Using the Self-Organized Learning Theory, perceptions of the roles and responsibilities of the published case depicting Jackie, the nurse manager, of Labrague et al. (2020), outlined behaviors with adverse impacts on her role and resulted in the inefficiency of the team and patients. Her mistakes and violation of the standards that are inherent in the field and her relationships with the other employees create conditions that are hazardous to the clients and the efficiency of the group. The above problems must be dealt with to bring back a coherent and positive spirit at the workplace. 

Evaluation as a Leader Performance

Neglect of leadership responsibility, lack of ability to perform tasks, and inability to embrace the staff members are the reasons that put Jackie in the leadership position of the mental health unit and she is not capable of leading this unit. They are fully aware that she has injured the patients, impacted the structural dimension of the unit, and tarnished the image of the unit. 

Examples of Jackie’s Performance from the Scenario

Low Communication and Attendance

The gaps that stem from Jackie constantly missing essential hurdles that focus on patient treatment mean that patients are in danger and teamwork is not encouraged. For instance, she attended one meeting she planned to attend but was late, and canceled a care conference while not notifying some operational staff such as Kyle Hudgins et al., 2022.). “Did you not get my email?” is a rude remark that shows the kind of communication she has and does not explain various critical concerns.

Failure to Support Staff

They argued that the superiors’ support and care influence juniors’ positive outcomes Jackie proves that she does not care for her juniors because she refused to advise Kyle on handling an attitude patient named K.C., (Labrague et al., 2020). She instructed Kyle to contact her after canceling the meeting he proposed that Cross often convenes to set and direct the solutions for problems that are very crucial as that which is shown above.

Unprofessional Behavior

When Jackie appeared at the hospital in persons wearing ‘twill clothes and aggressive attitude and when a young man, Martin was on leave, she took her aggression to another level. She looks so irresponsible and lazy in handling the management tasks, as well as she does not want to be involved in any conflict that seems to be happening at the workplace.

Violations of Professional Performance Standards

Standard of Communication

Social interactions are a norm in the professional aspect, and as observed, Jackie was rarely seen to meet communication needs (Hudgins et al., 2022). She more often than not did not reply to emails and never informed her team that there were no meetings hence the team would be lacking direction and support.

Criterion of Leadership and Accountability

The failure to provide leadership is demonstrated by how Jackie has been very rude to her fellow subordinates, frequently absent herself from meetings, and rarely participates in any activities (Labrague et al., 2020). 

Performance Issues for Improvement Plan

Attendance and Punctuality

In this case, Jackie will be forced to attend all the meetings at the agreed time hoping that such a line of conduct will help to eliminate cases of coming late, or being absent (Hudgins et al., 2022). If she cannot do so, work should be doled out properly to keep continuity.


Expert and clear communication but also speed is valuable. For a scheduler like Jackie, her team must be informed of any upcoming changes to the team’s schedule and get to emails and other correspondences as fast as possible, especially if they are inquiring from her (Yarnell et al., 2023).


In this case, Jackie has to fit a higher ranking official with considerably many responsibilities plus appearance with a professional demeanor suitable for a medical setting (Celebi et al., 2023).

Support and Engagement

In this case, if advice and advice are required, particularly in challenging scenarios, Jackie must take an active role in helping her coworkers (Celebi et al., 2023). Her reputation will be restored and the quality of patient care will also be elevated if she speaks to her team and makes certain that they are encouraged.

Implications of Employee Behavior

Impact on Patient Care and Safety


Failure of Jackie to attend important patient care conferences impacts on the unit’s ability to address elaborate patient issues and undermines the framework of team interprofessional relations (Hudgins et al., 2022). The absence of integrated care, because of this leadership void may see patients being offered suboptimal care and elevation of the incidence of patient harm.


It can have negative implications for the general safety of the unit and therapeutic milieu. This will be detrimental to patients since they may experience deterioration of their diseases or the diseases may become more aggressive, and there is vulnerability to a decrease in the quality of the standard of care (Labrague, 2023).

Effect on Team Morale and Efficiency


Civil behaviors have been worse in Jackie, and she has worsened group experiences and productivity by being rude (Labrague et al., 2021). For instance, lack of motivation and lack of positive feedback together with incentives make many employees unhappy and this impacts morale negatively.


Low morale has negative consequences for staff satisfaction in their job, increased staff turnover, and low productivity in the organization (Labrague, 2023). The motivation to contribute towards group goals and thus cooperation diminishes hence the probability of Employee stress and turnover which impacts not only impacts performance of a certain unit but the whole unit as well.

Alignment with Organizational Vision and Goals


From the Mission and Vision Statement of the organization, the nursing professional code of ethics, organizational/business courtesy, and quality patient care for clients are highly valued (Labrague et al., 2021). Lateness and disobedience to responsibilities makes Jackie violate these values and erase professionalism and commitment of the unit towards organization goals.


At this company, some problems threaten to direct the company away from offering the best services and maintaining good working relationships (Labrague et al., 2021). The mentioned accreditation may be met with criticisms, the credibility of the organization may dampened, and the organization’s strategic goals and objectives may not be achieved. 

Professional Development and Leadership Growth


Overall, decisions could be made that lead to Jackie losing much of her authority as a leader and this affects her ability to lead and direct her team members who need to follow her orders (Yarnell et al., 2023). Workers’ lack of co-ordination results in fragmented leadership and this makes it difficult for the unit to get headway and enhance the patients’ condition.


Yarnell et al. (2023) have stated that lack of leadership and inadequate assistance negates the staff’s professional development and idea novelty. This stagnation of innovation is for the worse because it slows the ability of the organization to adapt to new healthcare needs and developments in patient care and operating procedures.

Action Plan to Improve Leader Performance

A great action plan has been developed to mitigate Jackie’s weakness in leading the members of the mental unit. This approach is supposed to provide realistic and more realistic expectations on the performance meant to provide realistic goals for the improvement of leadership of Jackie. It goes on with the following objective of offering the best advice and consultation to enhance the quality of patients and delivery of health services.

Performance Expectations

All the same, the action plan targets Jackie’s leadership deficiencies in the following multiple significant areas. As pointed out by Celebi, et al (2023) Jackie’s performance expectations reveal that she needs to be more reliable and punctual. She also needs to inform the team whether she will miss any of the organized conferences. 

Action Steps

Jackie has to work and register for leadership development classes to polish on communication, manners, and timely management skills. Furthermore to the above structured programs, Jackie will either be offered coaching or mentorship to attend to her areas of concern and to offer her personalized attention. In the next meetings that will be every week for the first two weeks and bi-weekly thereafter Jackie will have the opportunity to discuss the challenges, set goals and review and discuss progress at the follow-up meetings (Yasmeen et al., 2023). Her attendance, communication, and involvement will be closely assessed by colleagues’ feedback, basic performance evaluations, and routine performance observations. Measuring results will also be important again as part of performance tracking. Jackie will also incorporate team mood checks for morale checks; The anonymous input from the staff will also be provided for Jackie’s consideration alongside the team. This will assist in the increase of constant improvement.

Assumptions Inherent in the Plan

The program relies on a number of fundamental presumptions, including Jackie’s willingness to accept criticism and her dedication to developing her interpersonal and leadership abilities. According to Vasismoradi et al. (2020), it also presumes that she will have access to the time, resources, and development initiatives she needs to assist her development. It also assumes that the personnel will welcome the changes and offer frank, helpful criticism, so promoting a more cooperative and encouraging work environment in the unit.

Impact on Healthcare Delivery and Patient Outcomes

There is anticipation of considerable disruption in the lives of patients as well as the overall delivery of health care. An increase in attendance and punctuality of Jackie to patient care conferences will benefit patient care and treatment since patient concerns will be attended to and solved within a short time (Vaismoradi et al., 2020). Due to increased professionalism and communication in the workplace, a better work atmosphere will be created, a radical decrease in employee turnover will be observed, and job satisfaction will be increased. When Jackie displays that kind of positive attitude morale, productivity, and the quality of patient care will be enhanced due to people will be more willing to lend their support to the individuals she interacts with. 

NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 2 Conclusion

A lack of productivity and proper behavior from Jackie should not be tolerated if the mental health unit is to become as effective and professional as it needs to be. The potential positive outcomes of the recommended action plan, which consists of increased communication, more training, and following professional etiquette, will have a highly positive effect on her leadership skills, according to the findings of Shorey and his colleagues (Shorey et al., 2021). Through this approach, issues that have grown synonymous with the plight of staff and patient care will be addressed while Jackie aligns with the organization’s bigger picture and mission. This method is expected to enhance the staff morale, team cohesiveness, and patient satisfaction once it is properly implemented. 

NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 2 References

Celebi, O., & Tuncer, G. (2023). Toxic leadership, mental well-being, and work engagement among nurses: a scale adaptation study and structural equation model approach. Journal of Health Organization and Management, Ahead-of-Print(ahead-of-print), 10.1108/JHOM-10-2022-0291.

Hudgins, T., Brown, K. D., Layne, D., & Maggard Stephens, T. (2022). The effect of academic nurse leaders’ toxic behaviors. The Journal of Nursing Education, 61(2), 88–92.

Labrague, L. J., Nwafor, C. E., & Tsaras, K. (2020). Influence of toxic and transformational leadership practices on nurses’ job satisfaction, job stress, absenteeism, and turnover intention: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Nursing Management, 28(5), 1104–1113.

Labrague L. J. (2023). Toxic leadership and its relationship with outcomes on the nursing workforce and patient safety: a systematic review. Leadership in Health Services (Bradford, England), Ahead-of-Print(ahead-of-print), 10.1108/LHS-06-2023-0047.

Labrague, L. J., Lorica, J., Nwafor, C. E., & Cummings, G. G. (2021). Predictors of toxic leadership behavior among nurse managers: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Nursing Management, 29(2), 165–176.

Shorey, S., & Wong, P. Z. E. (2021). A qualitative systematic review on nurses’ experiences of workplace bullying and implications for nursing practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(11), 4306–4320.

Vaismoradi, M., Tella, S., A Logan, P., Khakurel, J., & Vizcaya-Moreno, F. (2020). Nurses’ Adherence to patient safety principles: A systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(6), 2028.

Yasmeen, A., Khan, M. M., & Ahmed, S. S. (2023). A hurting embrace does not last long: toxicity of abusive supervision erodes leader and organizational identification to cause turnover intention. Journal of Health Organization and Management, Ahead-of-Print(ahead-of-print), 10.1108/JHOM-03-2023-0082.

Yarnell, A., Carreño, P. K., Davis, L., McGovern, M., & Keller, M. (2023). leaders, talent management, and allies: The keys to successful integration in the combat arms. Military Medicine, 188(Suppl 4), 41–49.

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