NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 3 Intervention Strategy


Capella University

NURS-FPX5007: Leadership Nursing Practice

Instructor’s Name

September 25th, 2024

Intervention Strategy 

Nurse leadership is a valuable foundation for ensuring patients receive safe and quality care, a safe workplace environment, and a sound organizational culture. But while toxic workplace behaviors can be dangerous to the aims of promoting staff well-being and creating sustainable, patient outcomes, they can make staff dissatisfied instead. Several systemic issues require the use of leadership models in transformational leadership, theories, laws affecting the healthcare sector, and policies (Lockwood et al., 2019). Thus, it is necessary to develop a strategic strategy that will address the enumerated problems. This assessment considers intervention techniques about change models, the way transformational leader deals with nursing leadership challenges, and how the health care legislation addresses solutions to such issues. 

Leadership Theory or Strategy: Transformational Leadership

Overview of Transformational Leadership

The primary purpose of transformational leadership is to ensure that followers develop and become what they are supposed to be so that they can benefit the larger good of the group. In turn, Ferreira et al. (2020) defined in their article that this strategy entails an emphasis on vision, energy, and making work wonderful. Transformational leaders build success orientation in their subordinates through trust, confidence, and passion in the process of face-to-face communication.

Characteristics of Transformational Leadership

In other words, by positively molding the perceived behavior of others, leaders in this paradigm get the respect and adoration of their team. Besides, they are clients very polite in their attitude and complete the work concerning Ethics and corporate governance. In conclusion, van et al. (2020) have found that through envisioning, a leader can effectively, influence and motivate the followers towards reaching organizational objectives. Critically, by looking at traditional practice and then asking: Why do we do it this way? Transformational leaders encourage creativity and innovation by making team members think for themselves.  They promote personal development concerning the goals that are expected to be realized by the members of the teams through guidance and teaching. Despite this, Jackie should have presented herself strong in other leadership deficient areas such as communication dysfunction, truancy, and failure to address important issues to do with the patients.

Why Transformational Leadership?

There is no way Jackie can adopt the transformative leadership style at the workplace and therefore should be more alert and involve herself in the team. For example, she can involve the staff members such as motivated active individuals such as Kyle to increase their engagement in the patient care conferences, for instance, by actively participating and offering the necessary momentum for such meetings (Van et al., 2020). This is because she plays a part in her team’s success creating a sense of responsibility and providing support and guidance. Besides, transformative leadership stems from her team sharing a vision. It can make the team players realize their efforts are useful and work hard to ensure that every one of them possesses the knowledge and information concerning the patients. It involves coming for meetings and/or doing the assigned tasks to support the combined effort of the group’s achievement of targets.

In addition, there is a need to change the environment to one that enhances workers’ collaboration among them. When Jackie is analyzing her interactions, the most important aspect should be making her team members feel important during their encounters. She can enhance the promotion of coordination and communication through patient case meetings by listening to their concerns such as Kyle who was concerned about the sometimes aggressive patient such as K.C. (Ferreira et al., 2020). This makes a lot of sense that the focus created is ensuring that the various multidisciplinary teams integrate to enhance general patient satisfaction. Lastly, transformational leadership fundamentally depends on professionalism and ethical values’ encouragement. 

Application of Transformational Leadership to Resolve Nursing Leadership Problems

Jackie now has to call for accountabilities and participations to strengthen the leadership component of the mental health unit. For her to lead by example she needs to be attending patient care conferences as well as engage her staff frequently. It will also raise awareness on how essential those sessions are as well as foster responsible staffing among staff members (Al et al., 2023). This paper affirms writings that have proposed that transformative leadership increases subordinates’ commitment and responsibility. Those leaders who are willing to take responsibility for the welfare of subordinates in the organization bring about positive change in how employees take care of patients.

Therefore, apart from calling on her group to be more responsible, Jackie needs to focus on motivating and encouraging her group. In making decisions, she can give team members including Kyle a feeling of direction by presenting the objectives of the mental unit and acknowledging performance (Hult et al., 2023). The findings also indicate that when nurses received transformational leadership they felt motivated and satisfied with their work which was useful in retaining staff and reducing turnover. Jackie also needs to implement the requirement to analyze the situation for her team members. This can be done by creating regular ideation meetings that allow employees to research innovative approaches to managing difficult patient treatment cases (Al et al., 2023). More so, Jackie may help her team achieve personal barriers and objectives by availing them of tailored consideration. Mentoring and review of the performance will help the team members respond to complicated patient situations in the most effective way. Moreover, as far as staff nurses, transformational leadership is proven to improve staff morale, seek individuals’ needs, reduce burnout, and raise job satisfaction, which are very important for the environment of psychiatric hospitals with high stress levels.

How Consideration of an Organizational Change Model Influences an Intervention Strategy

The importance of applying theories of organizational transformation to establish effective interventions in the psychiatric unit that is in the focus of the present case. These models provide directions that can lead to positive consequences and provide a rigorous system to implement change. For example, the ADKAR Model, the Change Management Model by Lewin and Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model enables executives to go through the many available change phases (Perez, 2021). These models will enhance the general change process, recognize hindrances, and implement strategies as seen by managers. Anticipating the unexpected and its impact on a problem minimizes the chance of failure because of unrecognized conditions, and helps in attaining the planned goals.

It emerges that the models of organizational change focus on the concepts of communication and engagement as critical phases of change implementation. Another model, Lewin’s Change Management Model, for example, stipulates that to get commitment and minimize resistance, leaders should communicate the rationale for change and engage the stakeholders (Pearson, 2020). These models also can help leaders to identify and manage resistance to change, thus providing them strategies to develop the specific scenarios that may be the sources of opposition. Thus, staff acceptance, as well as sustainability, are guaranteed when change initiatives align with established objectives and organizational culture. Moreover, leaders can adjust their behaviors as a result of continuous feedback through continuous evaluation and enhancement (Zhang et al., 2022). A good example of how the theories are applied is the implementation of Electronic Health Records in hospitals using Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model: Staff training and communication are two of the aspects when implementing EHR. From the perspective of the present study, research has shown that staff members’ change management competencies can be enhanced through offering the members training and constant developmental feedback from which the results of the organization will benefit.

How Health Care Policy and Legislation Might Affect the Resolution or Management of a Nursing Leadership Problem

Ensuring Patient Safety and Quality of Care

Healthcare managers have the role of protecting the patient and ensuring their delivery of quality healthcare; the laws & regulations on this Situation guide the achievement of these roles. PSQIA and Joint Commission guidelines are an approach to patient safety that aims to avoid harm to the patient and enjoins events that endanger patient safety (Lawrason et al., 2023). The nursing supervisors should ensure that they respect these regulations since their failure puts into evidence patient safety as has been evident in Jackie handling the unit on mental health. PSQIA imposes the conditions that healthcare managers are to staff adequately and conduct patient care conferences frequently.

Workplace Safety and Staffing Regulations

Other rules and policies that affect personnel and workplace safety also influence the leadership dynamic in healthcare organizations. The rights of the healthcare workers are retained and their working conditions are protected by legal frameworks including the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), and these are the state-based nurse staffing ratios including the California nurse-to-patient ratio law (Kim et al., 2022). These regulations are also applicable to leaders to prevent workplace violence and enforce the safety measure. For instance, restraint procedures that ought to be applied must be implemented, and the staff must be taught when it is working with a hostile patient that Kyle should meet. Research indicates that it is also relevant when replying to complaints on safety shifts over leadership practice in healthcare organizations in line with OSHA rules and regulations. Thus, the concern expressed in the HIPAA privacy regulations implies that the issue of ethical lessons and responsibility is important (Kim et al., 2022). Some of the guidelines regarding ethical behavior, patient privacy, and countering prejudices that interfere with ethical principles are among the challenges provided to nursing leaders. Concerning this argument, legal frameworks and health policies intended to enhance continued professional competency for nurses, patient as well as employee wellness, and leadership responsibility were considered.

Consequently, the standards of law acknowledged within the sphere of healthcare bring certain developments in the field of nursing, ensure the rights and needs of patients and workers, and enhance the authorities’ responsibility. These rules help in establishing a good organizational culture this tackles problems with leadership and in general boosts morale of staff – morale and involving boosting activities are done promoted.

NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 3 Conclusion

About the concerns concerning nurse leadership, leadership skills, change management and knowledge of laws affecting healthcare must be applied. From this essay, there is an appreciation of transformational leadership as a tool of change in ACTIVE Ethical behavior, Accountability, and staff and consummately the improvement of the quality of patient care and there by the standards of living. It can be safely assumed that interventions will be adequately planned and scrupulously implemented when structured change models are employed (Bani et al., 2020). In addition, ownership of health care laws and rules that safeguard patient rights coupled with professional ethics needs responsible leadership. Because of these components, the nurse leaders can be able to tackle leadership issues and create a favorable working environment that is beneficial to both the staff and the patients.

NURS FPX 5007 Assessment 3 References

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