NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 2 Course Development and Influencing Factors

NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 2



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Capella University

4th April, 2024.

NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 2 Course Development and Influencing Factors:

Regretfully, local language and terminology are frequently used while documenting nursing treatment in electronic health records. It is challenging to successfully incorporate this data into medical data observational networks and data security networks trust due to the lack of standards. So, Non-standardized data leads to information silos, which makes it difficult for researchers to do thorough analyses across various healthcare facilities. However, The Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association released a study in 2023 that emphasized the value of standardized nursing data in promoting nursing research. Research on multidisciplinary care would be facilitated by the incorporation of superior nursing care plan data into data trusts. This may provide important new information on how nurses work with other medical specialists to enhance patient outcomes.

For example, studies show a high association between lower patient readmission rates and efficient nurse-physician communication (Joana et al., 2023). There are initiatives in place to deal with this issue. More uniform recording procedures are being made possible by initiatives like the Nursing Outcomes Classification and the use of standardized nursing terminology. Moreover, we may unleash the enormous potential of nursing care plan data within data trusts by resolving the standards challenge. This will enable researchers to comprehend the effects of nursing care more thoroughly, which will eventually increase patient outcomes and promote a more comprehensive approach to healthcare delivery. From the electronic health records (EHRs) of two hospitals in the health system, the researchers first extracted phrases for patient objectives and difficulties from local nurse care plans. In this first phase, the terminology that nurses use to record their care plans was gathered. The researchers eliminated any duplicate words during extraction. This guarantees that the dataset used for mapping is clean.

In addition to this, Five people, who were probably familiar with nursing terminology, mapped the retrieved local phrases to the NOC and NANDA-I categories separately. Four nurses who often use the local vocabulary in their work were brought in to validate the mappings made by the experts to ensure the accuracy of the mapping. The continuous endeavour to close the gap between regional nursing documentation and standardized terminology is highlighted by this study (Macieira et al., 2024).

Designing an Appropriate Course for Inclusion in a Selected Curriculum

Effective comparison and analysis of data from various healthcare facilities is made possible by standardization. This makes it easier to research ways to enhance patient outcomes and nursing practice. Improved cooperation and communication among nurses working in different contexts are facilitated by using standard language when recording nursing care plans. Moreover, researchers can carry out more thorough investigations on the effects of nursing treatments because of standardized data. This information may be applied to raise the standard of patient care. Academic organizations and funding agencies are starting to see the benefits of RE training. This leads to an increasing need for such training to be received throughout a faculty member’s career as well as for trainees and students. However, Researchers can perform ethical research by using the information and skills that RE training provides.

This maintains data integrity, safeguards participants, and increases public confidence in research projects. According to the report, there is a notable insufficiency in Jordan, since just 40% of master’s programs in pharmacy ever touch on RE subjects. This emphasizes how important it is to include formal RE instruction in these programs. Although things have gotten a little better across the planet, there is still potential for development. Just 10% of programs include a specific RE course. Because there was little information available online, it was challenging to assess the remaining programs. Formal education should be given priority in programs that do not currently offer any RE training. Later on, to guarantee a deeper comprehension of ethical research procedures, programs that already include components should broaden the range of subjects they address (Ahmed & Nebeker, 2021).

Embracing Diversity and Inclusion: A Rationale for Curriculum Enrichment

The purpose of the study was to evaluate how graduate pharmacy programs currently teach RE. It is what they discovered. According to the report, there is a little insufficiency in Jordan, since just 40% of master’s programs in pharmacy ever touch on RE subjects. This emphasizes how important it is to include formal RE instruction in these programs. Although things have gotten a little better on a global scale, there is still potential for improvement. However,  just 10% of programs include a limited RE course, and 40% don’t offer any kind of RE instruction at all. Because there was little information available online, it was challenging to assess the worth of the remaining programs. Formal education should be given priority in programs that do not currently offer any RE training.

To guarantee a deeper comprehension of ethical research procedures, programs that already include RE components have to broaden the range of subjects they address. The incorporation of stand-alone RE courses into graduate pharmacy programs is highly recommended by the research. This concentrated effort would guarantee that students have the know-how and abilities needed to carry out moral research throughout their professional lives. The selected curriculum for the nurses is so essential to develop improvements in hospital management. We can develop a new generation of pharmacy observers who respect moral standards, make contributions to the profession, and protect study participants’ welfare by filling this training vacuum in RE (Xiong et al., 2024).

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: A Foundation for Success

The swift transition to remote or hybrid learning methods, together with worries about one’s health and pupils’ welfare, put instructors in a challenging and complex work environment. Such alterations may make instructors more susceptible to psychological discomfort, according to research. The main aim was to learn more about the experiences of secondary school teachers in Tunisia about their mental health during the epidemic. However, The frequency of anxiety and depressive symptoms among the instructors was evaluated by the researchers using standardized tools. They also sought to investigate the variables of these mental health issues. This might be due to the requirements of the job, a deficiency of support networks, or challenges adjusting to the new teaching modes. The study can provide insight into the unique difficulties experienced by secondary school teachers in Tunisia during COVID-19 by examining these factors.

In addition to this information, focused support networks and interventions may be created to help them maintain their mental health and create a more encouraging learning environment for both instructors and students. Healthcare Pupils have a thorough awareness of the many medical technologies that are employed in contemporary clinical settings. These could include telemedicine platforms, electrically computerized physician order and entry systems, and electronic health records systems. Moreover, when it comes to gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data, nurses are essential. Students who complete this course will be able to accurately and completely handle patient data in healthcare information systems (Nour Regaieg et al., 2024).

Collaborative Process for Developing New Courses in a Curriculum

Effective knowledge management solutions are necessary due to the constantly growing body of information in healthcare. Firstly, to support their nursing practice and decision-making, students acquire the skills necessary to locate, apply, and contribute to evidence-based resources. The ethical and legal foundations governing the use of technology in healthcare are examined in this course. Moreover,  The students are aware of their rights and obligations while managing private patient information and navigating the world of digital healthcare. Secondly, implementing new technology in healthcare settings successfully calls for thorough planning and assessment. Pupils receive insightful knowledge of the process of implementation, encompassing techniques for managing change and evaluating the efficacy of novel technological solutions.

Many nurses aren’t utilizing their full capacity in health policy advocacy, despite their ethical duty to do so. Effective policy work has extra hurdles in the contemporary political atmosphere, which is frequently characterized by intense conflict and impasse. The authors suggest that doctorate nursing health policy courses, in particular, use Elizabeth Barrett’s thesis of Power as Knowing Participation in Change as a lens. This concept provides a distinctive viewpoint on the relationships of power in policy advocacy. Barrett places more emphasis on strength as freedom than strength as control. However, this is in line with fundamental nursing ideals, which organize fostering relationships and teamwork above dominance. However, this strategy is consistent with nursing ethics, which define advocacy as a duty of care to impact law formulation in a way that benefits the profession.

The course design, which combines conventional policy frameworks with Barrett’s theory, is described in depth in the article. Students’ thoughts on the course and how it affected their comprehension of policy advocacy were included. However, these reflections demonstrate the influence on their understanding of personal agency and their freedom to take part in change. Barrett’s theory gives prospective nurse leaders a solid basis in nursing ethics and the ability to explain change in a variety of situations, even if it is not specifically focused on the complexities of policymaking (Perry et al., 2023).

Internal Factors Influence on Curriculum Design

Future physicians’ educational experiences are greatly influenced by department chairmen. They are in charge of departmental resources, faculty hiring, and curriculum creation, all of which have an immediate effect on the standard of medical education. Effective department chairs steer their departments toward excellence in clinical treatment, research, and teaching by offering leadership and vision. Despite the importance of the position, department chairmen frequently deal with difficulties like hefty workloads, bureaucratic responsibilities, and juggling conflicting goals. The main aim of this Iranian study was to observe the elements that lead to department heads in medical schools performing at a higher level. Moreover, Medical schools may maximize departmental leadership and assist their chairs by developing focused initiatives based on a greater knowledge of these aspects. The study used a qualitative methodology that included focus groups and in-depth interviews.

Exploring the viewpoints and lived experiences of department chairmen is a good fit for this methodology, which offers deep insights that purely quantitative research may overlook. Through an examination of Iranian department chairs’ experiences, this study can provide insightful information that medical schools throughout the world might use. This information may help design initiatives and materials that enable department chairmen to flourish in leadership positions, which will eventually result in a more successful and comprehensive medical education for next generations of doctors. Like many other universities, Capella University has set up internal procedures that direct the creation of curricula. These procedures, which take into account things like teacher competence, learning objectives, and credit distribution, provide an organized and consistent approach. Committed curriculum committees are essential.

However, these committees, which are made up of instructors and specialists in education, collaborate to create, assess, and improve the curriculum. A 2022 research published in the Journal of Educational Development and Practice emphasizes crucial effective curriculum committees to strongest match the calibre and applicability of academic programs. Strict internal review processes guarantee that the curriculum complies with accreditation regulations, educational standards, and Capella’s goal. Faculty members and other professionals participate in these evaluations, offering insightful commentary and ensuring the curriculum is relevant and useful in educating students for their chosen careers (Mahboubi et al., 2024).

The Influence of External Factors on Curriculum Design

Resources are needed for curriculum creation, delivery, and evaluation. The amount of innovation that Capella’s curriculum may integrate directly depends on financial availability.  In addition to this Insufficient funds may limit the capacity to allocate resources towards state-of-the-art technology, simulation exercises, or visiting lecturers, so impeding the overall standard and inventive capacity of the learning process. A 2021 study that was published in Educational Observer discovered a link between student learning outcomes and instructional resource investment. However, Stakeholders with important viewpoints include employers, students, alumni, and the community.

Their input is taken into account by Capella University to make sure the curriculum stays current and meets the requirements of the labour market as well as the changing needs of the healthcare industry. Moreover, Program structures, course offerings, and the curriculum’s general focus can all be impacted by feedback. For instance, the curriculum can be changed to include more telehealth-related training modules if Capella University’s nursing graduates frequently report feeling unprepared for the growing usage of telehealth in their employment. Essential criteria and rules for curriculum design in nursing education are established by regulatory and accrediting authorities. Program recognition and sanctioning depend on adherence to these requirements.

The prestige and student attraction of Capella University depends heavily on its accreditation. When creating its curriculum, Capella University must negotiate a challenging environment. They can work to develop a curriculum that is not only academically demanding but also flexible, current, and well-positioned to help students succeed in their chosen healthcare occupations by carefully weighing internal and external considerations  (Gao et al., 2020).

Impact of Mission, Philosophy, and Institutional Framework on Curriculum Design

The institution places a high priority on offering adult learners a stretchable and accessible education. This translates to realizing that juggling job, family, and other responsibilities is common for adult learners. In addition to this,  this fundamental idea guides the design of Capella University’s nursing informatics course, which is probably intended to be adaptable and available to practising nurses. It’s likely that the course is available online, so students won’t have to go to a real campus to take in-person instruction. Students may fit coursework around their hectic schedules by learning at their own pace and convenience in this unsynchronized. Moreover, it may be possible to break up the curriculum material into conventional modules so that students may concentrate on a single subject at a time without being overwhelmed.

If students would like to finish the course sooner, Capella may provide expedited paths for it. To help students in the learning process, the university could offer extra resources like online tutoring, discussion boards, or personal advisers. Working adult learners who want to advance their knowledge and skills in nursing informatics are catered to by Capella University, which designed its nursing informatics courses with accessibility as a central concept. With this technique, they may further their professional growth without having to sacrifice their existing work-life equilibrium (Klaus Püschel et al., 2020).

Collaborative Engagement in Curriculum Development: Involving Internal and External Stakeholders

Either internal hospital factors or external factors such as financial availability and government laws might facilitate or impede the seamless integration of clinical pharmacy services into standard hospital care. Through comprehending the viewpoints of those immediately engaged, investigators can pinpoint possible obstacles and offers for enhancement throughout the execution process. Brazil has a mostly public healthcare system, with many people depending on hospitals that are supported by the government. In addition to this, compared to private healthcare systems, integrating new services like clinical pharmacy into existing public hospital routines might bring special issues. The investigators wanted to know how a group of hospital pharmacists and other medical staff members probably doctors, nurses, and administrators thought about this particular hospital’s adoption of clinical pharmacy services.

By gathering these many viewpoints, people can learn important things about the curriculum. Potential benefits do clinical pharmacy services have for patient care and overall hospital efficiency, in the opinion of these professionals. The alleged roadblocks to a successful merger, and how may these hurdles be overcome. By highlighting possible areas for enhanced cooperation between pharmacists and other medical specialists, the study helps promote a more coordinated approach to patient care (Alcântara et al., 2022).

NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 2 Conclusion :

Students can gain a basic knowledge of nursing informatics fundamentals by taking this course early in the nursing curriculum. This positions students for success in later courses that may incorporate data analysis and technology. Students who complete the course will have the fundamental information and abilities needed to function in the digital healthcare environment. Moreover, this might entail becoming familiar with clinical decision support systems, data analysis tools, and electronic health records. Collaboration between faculty members and subject matter experts in nursing informatics is essential to ensuring that the course material is up to date and represents the most recent developments and best practices. SMEs have extensive knowledge of new trends and technology and are actively involved in the sector (Gao et al., 2024). Their suggestions are very helpful in maintaining the relevance of the course material and preparing students for the reality of the contemporary healthcare setting. Moreover,  use and navigate a variety of healthcare technologies, including mobile health apps and electronic health records, with assurance. Determine patient data efficiently to spot patterns, evaluate risks, and come to well-informed clinical judgments. Utilize their technical know-how to increase the provision of patient care, safety, and general health outcomes. It is essential to comprehend the viewpoints of those holding pivotal positions that impact the formulation of policies.

Decisions concerning extending the pharmacists’ scope of practice in Qatar can be made with their thoughts in mind. In order to guarantee that pharmacists’ education and skill sets meet changing patient-centred demands, stakeholders in pharmacy regulation and education are essential. The research utilizes a qualitative methodology, primarily focusing on in-person semi-structured interviews. This approach enables a thorough investigation of the viewpoints and experiences of stakeholders. Semi-structured interviews provide participants the opportunity to expound on their opinions and provide rich contextual details, in contrast to quantitative observations that have pre-determined response alternatives. Now, the researchers make sure they collect information from those who can directly impact the direction of pharmacy practice in Qatar by concentrating on people in key positions (Jebara et al., 2020).

NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 2 References:

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