NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 3 Curriculum Evaluation

NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 3



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Capella University

5th April, 2024.

NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 3 Curriculum Evaluation:

The fundamental ideas and theoretical frameworks supporting the nursing profession are established by the curriculum. This knowledge foundation provides nurses with the analytical abilities they need to make wise clinical decisions. Firstly, The curriculum delineates the particular proficiencies and aptitudes that nurses require to provide patients with safe, efficient, and compassionate care. These abilities include evaluating patients, giving prescriptions, interacting with other medical professionals, and communicating. Secondly, the requirements of patients, new treatment choices, and technology are all driving ongoing change in the healthcare sector.

Furthermore, a well-crafted curriculum guarantees that nurses have the strength and foundational knowledge necessary to negotiate this shifting environment and carry on delivering high-quality care for the duration of their futures (Zhou et al., 2024). Thirdly,  technical skills are not the only thing covered in the program. It gives nurses a solid ethical foundation, able them to respect professional norms and stand up for the rights of patients. On the other hand, a well-crafted curriculum encourages nurses to have a passion for lifelong learning and to keep up with the latest developments in medicine. For nursing education, the curriculum essentially serves as a map and a compass. However, it stocks nurses with the fundamental information, useful abilities, and moral values required to succeed in their positions, guaranteeing that they are ready to meet the constantly evolving requirements of the healthcare system and give the best care possible for their patients.

It’s critical to comprehend the expectations of the professional community before beginning any examination. Faculty members, practicing nurses, recognized as agencies, and even prospective employees in addition, years of graduates may fall under this category. Through transpicious dialogue, the institution may customize the assessment procedure to target the particular requirements and preferences of these interested parties. According to research published in the Journal of Nursing Education, the curriculum assessment process is more significant and influential when faculty members are involved. Now, Diverse campus groups each contribute something special to the table. While practicing nurses may provide perceptive comments on the information and skills learners require in the workplace, faculty members can include insights into the design and delivery of the program. A sense of shared ownership over the findings and suggestions is fostered when a variety of stakeholders are involved in the assessment process. It may result in a more long-lasting and successful strategy for curriculum development.

Moreover, the institution can guarantee that the curriculum assessment process is thorough, useful, and progressive resulting in improvements that benefit nursing students as well as the healthcare system they will enter after graduation by starting early communications with the professional community. Each academic year’s curriculum evaluation at the end of the term enables a targeted examination of how well students performed within that year’s curriculum. This can highlight areas that may require changes to the curriculum’s delivery, design, or learning materials to better serve the next cohorts (National Council of State Boards of Nursing). After a program cohort graduates, evaluating the curriculum offers a more complete view. According to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, instructors can demonstrate how well the program has prepared students for both the licensing exam and their future professions as nurses.

While in a research from 2021 that was published in the Nurse Education curriculum review based on pass rates might be a useful approach for determining areas that require improvement. However, program recognition and student eligibility for federal financial aid depend on certification by agencies such as the Certification Commission for Education in Nursing. A seamless certification process may be ensured by early observation of any discrepancies between the program’s curriculum and accreditation requirements by the conduct of a curriculum review before accreditation visits. Nursing programs may show a dedication to ongoing development and guarantee that graduates are prepared to give patients safe, efficient, and sympathetic care by integrating frequent curriculum judgment into these crucial times (Fisher et al., 2024).

The Significance of Ongoing Curriculum Evaluation: Importance and Relevance for All Stakeholders

Emergency medical services personnel sometimes find themselves in circumstances where they must make snap judgments that have serious ethical consequences. However, these may include matters on patient sovereignty, treatment utility, end-of-life care, and resource allocation. Islamic beliefs and cultural customs have a big impact on healthcare procedures in Saudi Arabia. Penetrating these factors is vital for healthcare workers to proficiently handle moral conundrums. Observers can determine areas in which healthcare workers thrive and those that may require further training or assistance by assessing the HCWs’ ethical awareness and behaviors.

The results of the study can be used to drive the creation of training courses and moral standards that are especially suited to the requirements of HCWs employed by Saudi Arabia’s emergency medical services. According to research published in the Journal of Medical Humanities, a sizable portion of EMS workers report feeling morally distressed by moral conundrums they face at work. Putting money into HCWs’ ethics education and support networks can help them make better decisions, feel less morally distressed, and provide better patient care overall.

Evaluation makes it possible to gauge how successfully the program is producing the desired learning results. The pupils acquire the abilities, know-how, and mindsets necessary for success. A curriculum can never be flawless. Evaluation assists in identifying areas (such as subject relevance, instructional strategies, or learning resources) where the curriculum may need to be adjusted. The requirements of students and the labor market are ever-evolving, much like the world itself. Further discussion guarantees that the curriculum is up to date and accurately represents industry best practices. Thus, curriculum evaluation is periodic rather than occurring only once at the program’s start. Rather, it is a cyclical procedure that takes place at critical junctures, enabling ongoing enhancement.

The curriculum is created and put into practice. In addition, To evaluate the efficiency of the curriculum, data is gathered and examined. The evaluation’s findings are used to update and improve the curriculum. The cycle restarts with the accomplishment of the updated curriculum. Additionally, the text emphasizes how crucial stakeholder requirements are. There is no curriculum in a vacuum. Evaluation takes into account the demands of different stakeholders. Curriculum review guarantees that the program continues to be beneficial and appropriate for all parties concerned by taking into account input from various stakeholders. Faculty members have a major influence on the curriculum because of their extensive subject-matter knowledge.

They make sure the information matches current industry best practices and is in line with learning objectives. The engagement of stakeholders, encompassing industry professionals, alumni, and future employers, enables the curriculum to effectively address the competencies and knowledge that graduates require to succeed in the workforce. For example, research that was published in the Journal of Allied Health discovered that graduates had a greater job placement rate when employer feedback was included in curriculum development. Curriculum quality criteria are determined by regulatory and accrediting authorities. While, working together with these organizations guarantees that the program fulfills these requirements and keeps its certification (Al-Wathinani et al., 2024).

Importance and Relevance for All Stakeholders

Throughout the creation process, the university’s organizational procedures, curriculum committees, and internal review bodies offer structure, consistency, and quality control. Moreover, The range of innovation that may be included in the curriculum might be impacted by funding constraints. For instance, a lack of funds can make it more difficult to invite guest lecturers or deploy cutting-edge technology, which could have an impact on the educational process as a whole. The curriculum is shaped in part by changing licensing requirements, industry top trends, and stakeholder requirements. The institution can make sure the curriculum stays relevant and graduates are ready for the needs of the dynamic job market by keeping an eye on these outside influences (Mossé et al., 2020).

Key Criteria for Curriculum Evaluation

Since intellectual impairment is a lifelong condition, these kids’ demands habitually change over time. Then, the FCC gives families the tools they need to actively participate in their child’s care plan, enabling it to grow and change as the kid does. However, Children with ID may need care coordination across many disciplines due to their complicated medical demands. encourages dialogue and cooperation between therapists, families, and medical experts, resulting in a more comprehensive and efficient approach to treatment.

Research shows that family-centered care can result in better health outcomes, higher levels of satisfaction within the family, and lower healthcare expenses for kids with long-term medical issues. According to a 2020 research that was published in the Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, the FCC gives families of children with ID the chance to speak out for the requirements and preferences of their kid. Evaluation is more than just a matter of opinion. It makes use of a methodical process that collects and evaluates data to impartially evaluate the caliber and efficacy of the curriculum. This information may be gathered from many sources, including employer surveys, professor evaluations, and exams of students’ performance. Moreover,  Evaluation highlights a curriculum’s advantages as well as disadvantages.

When instructors are aware of what is effective and more attractive, they may expand on those achievements. Finding areas for improvement enables focused changes that improve students’ educational practices. The workforce’s demands are ever-changing in tandem with the globe at large. Frequent curriculum assessment guarantees that the program adapts to these changes and incorporates fresh information, cutting-edge techniques, and industry best practices. A 2021 research published in the Journal of Nursing Education discovered that graduates might be better prepared for the changing needs of their employment by having their curriculum evaluated based on market trends. Evaluation of the curriculum shows a program’s dedication to ongoing development. However, the outcomes might serve as proof of fulfilling externally specified accreditation requirements and serve as justification for resource allocation decisions made by the university.

Teachers receive insightful feedback from the assessment process, which helps them improve their instruction and better assist students in learning. Re-evaluating the efficacy of instructional materials, learning activities, or assessment techniques may be one way to do this. So, the main goal of curriculum evaluation is to guarantee that students graduate with the critical thinking, knowledge, and skill sets necessary to succeed in their chosen fields of work. Faculty members receive insightful input on their instructional strategies and the efficacy of the curriculum through curriculum evaluation. As a result, they can pinpoint areas in need of growth and participate in ongoing professional training to keep up to date with changing industry best practices. Faculty participation in curriculum review results in more significant and successful program adjustments, according to research published in the Journal of Nursing Education. In addition, Faculty members can evaluate the efficacy of instructional materials, learning activities, and assessment techniques by using evaluation data. However, this enables them to improve student engagement and foster a deeper comprehension of the material by refining their teaching strategies.

Curriculum review ensures that the program’s curriculum is up to date and represents the latest developments in healthcare technology and trends. This guarantees that graduates have the know-how, abilities, and competencies required to thrive in the dynamic healthcare industry. In the end, assessment ensures that students obtain a top-notch education that equips them for the chances and difficulties they’ll face in their nursing careers by helping to detect and fill up any curricular gaps. However, Evaluation enables employers to make sure graduates have the clinical expertise and critical thinking skills needed to start working safely and effectively caring for patients. This reduces the need for lengthy on-the-job training and produces a workforce of nurses who are more qualified and prepared, which benefits healthcare providers. Evaluations of curricula frequently take industry experts’ and healthcare practitioners’ opinions into account. The program makes sure that graduates meet the particular demands and standards of the healthcare system by taking this input into account (Withycombe et al., 2020).

The Role of Pilot Testing in Curriculum Evaluation

The assessment procedure offers proof that the program satisfies the requirements for accreditation specified by other organizations. Also, this certification guarantees that graduates of the program achieve the minimal requirements for professional activity and that the program maintains a high standard of quality. Data from curriculum evaluations is commonly used by accrediting agencies to pinpoint areas in which programs need to be improved. In the end, this benefits all parties involved by fostering a culture of continual improvement within nursing education. The appeal of primary care professions to medical students is greatly enhanced by mentoring. The authors created a primary care mentorship platform with a focus on the needs of undergraduate medical students after conducting a literature analysis and organizing group discussions.

All second to sixth-year students were asked to apply for the program, selecting a mentor from an online platform that was evaluated in a pilot project with 16 mentors for one academic year (2021–2022). The initial program included fifteen mentees. The review evaluated the program’s acceptability and student-centeredness in addition to the processes’ viability. A quantitative survey was completed by mentees to assess their level of satisfaction with the personal and content components of their mentoring relationship. During focus groups on the admissibility and practical components of the curriculum, mentors’ input was gathered. Mentors and mentees alike indicated great pleasure with the program. In almost every category, mentees gave their mentoring partnerships high ratings. The content-related demands of the mentees included inquiries about managing a private practice, finding an inspirational individual, and postgraduate training. Moreover, the mentors expressed their satisfaction with the program.

They accompany the adaptable structure that lets them meet each mentee’s unique requirements. While it was mostly the mentors’ duty to keep the connection intact. It was determined that further organized direction from the program coordinators would be favorable for later execution. In addition, the results determine the viability and benefits of an adaptable, student-focused mentorship program. Students from various undergraduate education levels who were interested in primary care were drawn to the program. In addition, these kinds of programs might help students become more interested in jobs in primary care. Before a new or altered curriculum is extensively implemented, this approach of preliminary review is employed. Consider it as the curriculum’s “test drive”. Pilot testing entails implementing the curriculum with a small student population, also known as a “pilot sample.” This makes it possible to examine the curriculum’s efficacy in-depth without interfering with the rest of the program. Researchers evaluate the curriculum’s effectiveness in achieving its stated learning goals.

Students are successfully engaged by the instructional material. The educational exercises encourage the development of critical thinking and skills. Before the curriculum is fully implemented, pilot testing aids in the identification of any possible issues. This can be due to imprecise instructions, arbitrary deadlines, or a shortage of required supplies. Somehow, Pilot testing makes it possible to make modifications and enhancements before the curriculum is implemented for a broader student body by detecting issues at an early stage. In the end, this can result in a more productive learning environment for all students while also saving time and resources. The creation of instructional materials, programs for training instructors, and evaluation techniques for the whole implementation phase can all be instigated by the learnings from the pilot test. A critical stage in the creation and execution of curricula is pilot testing. It contributes to ensuring that the curriculum is well-designed and efficient and ultimately results in satisfactory student learning outcomes by enabling targeted review and improvement before widespread implementation (Zhou, Du, et al., 2024).

Short-term and Long-term Evaluations for Curriculum Development Process Improvement

The process of forming memories is dynamic and involves several stages, including encoding, consolidation, and retrieval. Many variables, including the quality of one’s sleep, anxiety, and sadness, may affect it. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, sleep quality has declined recently, anxiety and depression symptoms have increased, and emotional episodic memory encoding has been hampered, particularly in young adults. However, sleep hygiene education refers to a set of guidelines that have been created in light of the significant influence that adequate sleep has on day-to-day functioning. Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of these therapies in enhancing the quality and length of sleep as well as lowering feelings of anxiety and depression. Participants were split into two groups for that purpose: the control group and the sleep hygiene education group.

Additionally, following that, participants had training on an episodic memory task and assessments for anxiety, depression, and sleep quality. Both a short-term test and a long-term test were administered to them within a week of each other. This technique was considered the baseline and was carried out before the teaching of sleep hygiene. We discovered that following the intervention, young people’s episodic memory accomplishment increased for the SHE group, but not for older individuals, and no gains were seen in emotional factors. Although there was no discernible impact of the intervention on the sleep quality ratings of young and older persons. We speculate that there could be a physiological benefit in sleep that is not just beneficial to memory functions but also objectively recognized. These findings demonstrate that, in young individuals experiencing acute memory loss and sleep impairment in this example, as a result of isolation from the COVID-19 pandemic even a one-week sleep hygiene instruction program can enhance cognitive function.

However, for older persons who already naturally undergo a deterioration in cognitive functions like episodic memory formation, we propose lengthier therapies. Short-term plans focus on objectives that may be completed in a year and frequently address urgent problems and present demands. Setting deadlines for homework, finishing a particular teaching unit, or organizing a guest speaker are a few examples. Moreover, A brief assessment might concentrate on determining how well a recently introduced teaching strategy is working. distributing a survey to students midway through a course to get their opinions on the workload, the efficacy of the teaching techniques, and the clarity of the learning objectives. However, facilitating conversations amongst teachers of the same course to exchange best practices and pinpoint areas where the material needs to be delivered more effectively. However, Long-term plans cover more ground and include more expansive objectives that are in line with the program’s overarching vision and mission. They often last a year or more (GJ Melendez-Torres et al., 2024).

Integrating Evidence-Based Nursing Concepts into Curriculum Development

Respect for the autonomy, desires, and values of the patient is emphasized by PCC. It entails customizing care programs to meet each patient’s particular requirements and objectives. Provide case studies that push students to think critically about patient viewpoints, ethnicity, and communication preferences while creating care plans. Encourage students to practice good communication and collaborative decision-making with virtual patients by facilitating role-playing scenarios. However, to provide complete patient care, nurses work in conjunction with doctors, therapists, social workers, and other medical experts. Give students group assignments where they must collaborate with students from various nursing disciplines to create a care plan for a complicated patient situation.

Make use of simulation labs where students from different departments participate to oversee a crucial clinical situation. New technologies are causing a steady evolution in the healthcare industry. Electronic health records (EHRs), telehealth platforms, and other digital technologies are tools that nurses must know how to use well. Similarly, Include virtual courses or role-playing exercises that acquaint students with the most recent medical advancements and how they are used in patient treatment. Give students the chance to experience utilizing telehealth platforms, EHR systems, and other pertinent technology in a secure learning environment.

However, these ideas may be taught in nursing schools so that graduates are prepared for Gratitude Future nurses may provide care that upholds patient autonomy and strengthens the bond between the nurse and the patient thanks to PCC. Providing safe and complete patient care requires the ability to work well with other healthcare providers. Graduates who have been exposed to new technologies are more equipped to remain up to date on developments and apply them successfully in their work. Plans for professional development, long-term financial planning, or the strategic plan of an organization are a few examples. The overall performance of the curriculum in training graduates for lucrative professions in nursing might be evaluated over an extended period. This could entail. Finding possible areas where the curriculum needs to be strengthened by examining pass rates on the National Council of State Boards of Nursing licensing test over many years.

Surveying graduates’ employers to get their opinions on the information and skills they have acquired, as well as how well-equipped they are to meet the needs of the workforce. Formative assessments, sometimes referred to as short-term evaluations, offer continuous input all along the curriculum-building process. This makes it possible to make modifications and enhancements on the fly. According to the World Health Organization, maintaining good hand hygiene is the most efficient way to stop the spread of illnesses linked to healthcare. Good hand hygiene habits can greatly lower the risk of healthcare-associated infections, which are a serious patient safety problem. The program might include regular practice of good handwashing practices in mock clinical situations. Students can ensure correct technique and improve muscle memory as a result. To examine actual cases where HCAIs have proliferated as a result of poor hand hygiene and talk about preventative measures.

The comfort, pleasure, and general well-being of patients can only be enhanced by effective pain treatment. Difficult pain can worsen a patient’s prognosis, cause more difficulties, and impede healing. Set aside time to research the many drugs used to treat pain, their modes of action, and the proper ways to administer them. Somehow, Incorporate scenarios for pain evaluation and treatment into clinical simulations to provide students practice with non-pharmacological pain relief methods, drug administration, and communication skills. One of the main causes of harm and morbidity for hospitalized patients is falls. Patient safety can be enhanced and the risk of falls can be considerably decreased by putting evidence-based fall prevention techniques into practice.

To increase patient mobility and lower the risk of falls, teach students safe patient handling practices, gait evaluation, and the use of assistive equipment. Teach students how to recognize and manage environmental risks that might cause falls in patient care addition to this, According to a 2021 research published in the Journal of Nursing Education, the curricular pendulum of best practices (Choperena et al., 2023).

Accreditation and Evaluation Criteria for Curriculum

The research indicates how well a segmented module design works. With this method, the environmental health course is divided into more manageable, standalone modules that can be readily shared and customized across other academic institutions. However, the use of problem-based learning as a teaching strategy in the shared modules is highlighted in the article. PBL promotes group collaboration among students to address actual environmental health issues. Studies have indicated that problem-based learning has the potential to foster the development of critical thinking, communication, and collaborative workgroup skills. Firstly, According to the report, certification organizations for environmental health programs in the UK and Australia have comparable standards for learning outcomes.

Universities no longer need to fundamentally change their curricula to participate, which lowers a major barrier to collaboration. International collaboration in healthcare education programs can result in a greater diversity of viewpoints and a deeper learning experience for students. Secondly, the paper admits that real-world difficulties like scheduling and differences in evaluation criteria might still make cooperation difficult. Nonetheless, a more adaptable cooperation model is made possible by the segregate module method. Universities can tailor the course to their requirements and limits by choosing to work together on certain modules or the full course. Independent organizations known as accreditation agencies serve as guardians of the caliber of education. They set and maintain standards for services and programs in education. Depending on their extent and influence, these entities may be acknowledged by international organizations or national governments.

The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges is one of the accrediting agencies recognized by the US Department of Education for regional accreditation. Global certification for business programs is provided by the Certification Council for Business Schools and Programs. These organizations set standards of excellence for educational initiatives. The standards for curricular content, teacher credentials, student learning results, and other crucial components are outlined in these benchmarks.

The program or educational institution goes through a self-evaluation process in which its advantages and disadvantages are compared to the accrediting requirements. Moreover, the institution or program is visited by a team of reviewers from the accrediting authority to evaluate how well it complies with the requirements. This might entail interviewing teachers, staff, and students as well as reviewing documents and observing in a classroom. Achieving accreditation results in the designation of accreditation status. This shows that the software satisfies the set standards for quality. Students may be assured by accreditation that they are obtaining a top-notch education that satisfies requirements. Their decision-making regarding their schooling is aided by this knowledge.

Employers aggressively seek out graduates from accredited programs because they attest to the program’s rigor and provide students with marketable skills. Certain types of financial aid may need accreditation, which can also improve the program’s or institution’s image generally. According to a 2021 research published in the Journal of Higher Education, colleges may be encouraged to raise the caliber of their instruction via accrediting. The United States’ accrediting agencies are recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. It contributes to ensuring that these accrediting organizations uphold strict guidelines and conduct themselves honorably. Accreditation organizations are essential to preserving the integrity and worth of educational credentials since they make educational programs answerable for fulfilling quality requirements (Zhao et al., 2024).

Enhancing Curriculum Design Evaluation: Incorporating Faculty Feedback

Analyzing data, seeing biases, and reaching wise healthcare decisions are all parts of critical thinking. The complexity of these talents makes it difficult to measure them with multiple-choice exams and other standard evaluation techniques. Although useful, routine reporting of morbidity and death has limits. Additionally, It frequently concentrates on unfavorable results after they happen rather than the ideas that preceded them. The selected curriculum plays an effective role in graduating students. This approach allows residents to self-report their clinical experiences while guaranteeing patient privacy protection.

The system does more than just report issues. So, it explores mistake analysis, case summaries, and resident evaluations of cognitive biases in the case. Through consistent assessment of residents’ cognitive processes using this technique, educators may identify areas of proficiency and areas where residents may want further guidance or instruction. However, the system’s longitudinal design makes it possible to monitor residents’ advancement in critical thinking abilities over time and provide tailored treatments to strengthen any areas where deficiencies are found. According to an Academic Medicine study, proofs are more likely to deliver high-quality patient care if they have good critical thinking abilities.

Research shows that integrating introspection into medical education might improve the growth of critical thinking skills. By guaranteeing that the program they select satisfies particular quality standards, accreditation gives students peace of mind about the worth of their education. Graduates from accredited programs are highly sought after by companies because they attest to the program’s rigor and provide students with the information and skills they need for the job. Certain types of financial aid may need accreditation, which can also improve the program’s or institution’s image generally. However, among the well-known accrediting organizations in the US is the Southern Association of Colleges. Agencies such as the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education are integral to the accrediting system in the United Kingdom. One useful instrument for guaranteeing the caliber of education is accreditation. Accreditation status is a sign of an institution’s or program’s dedication to providing top-notch instruction that gets students ready for success in their chosen areas (Novak et al., 2024).

NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 3 Conclusion:

The steps of curriculum assessment is essential to maintaining the caliber and eligibility of nursing education programs. Teachers can make sure students have the information, skills, and competencies necessary to succeed in the constantly changing healthcare industry by routinely evaluating the curriculum. However, a thorough review involves more than merely checking boxes. It entails a thorough examination of many different factors, such as. Students are adequately prepared to meet the program’s stated learning objectives by the curriculum material. the pupils pick up the skills and information listed in the curriculum.

They find the learning process fulfilling and engaging. The finest practices, technology, and developments in healthcare today are reflected in the curriculum. It is pertinent to what the labor market demands. the instructional strategies that successfully foster critical thinking and learning in students. Programs with a strong culture of curriculum review show a stronger potential for continual development, according to a 2022 research published in Nurse Education Today. Pilot testing is appropriately emphasized as important in this line. Before the curriculum is introduced to all pupils, any possible flaws may be found and addressed thanks to this preliminary review. It is essential to include academic staff, students, medical professionals, and accrediting agencies in the assessment procedure. Every stakeholder group contributes a different viewpoint, which results in a more thorough evaluation of the curriculum. Regular curriculum reviews can help educational institutions create a responsive and dynamic learning environment.

This guarantees that graduates can make a significant contribution to the healthcare system and are adequately equipped for the demands of the nursing profession (Pfarrwaller et al., 2024). A well-crafted curriculum gives nurses the analytical abilities and theoretical understanding necessary for making wise clinical decisions. The healthcare industry is always changing. Evaluation of curricula guarantees that nurses have the information and abilities necessary to deal with these changes and provide excellent care for the duration of their careers. The program prepares nurses to respect professional norms and fight for patients’ rights by giving them a strong ethical basis in addition to technical capabilities. A well-designed curriculum encourages nurses to keep up to date on industry innovations and cultivates in them a desire for lifelong learning. A variety of stakeholders, including as academic staff, licensed practical nurses, accrediting bodies, and prospective employers, should be involved in the review process.

Members of the faculty offer insights on the development and delivery of curricula. Experienced nurses provide insightful viewpoints on the skills and expertise needed in the workplace. Involving a broad group encourages a feeling of collective ownership over the recommendations and findings of the assessment, which results in a more long-lasting approach to curriculum development. An in-depth examination of student performance and the identification of areas in which delivery, design, or learning materials require improvement are made possible by the annual curriculum assessment. In addition, A thorough picture of the curriculum’s effectiveness in preparing students for both the licensure exam and their nursing professions may be obtained by evaluating it after a program cohort graduates. A frequent curriculum provides a guarantee that the course meets accreditation standards and makes the certification process go more smoothly (Khademian et al., 2020).

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