NURS FPX 5004 Assessment 4 Self-Assessment Of Leadership, Collaboration, And Ethics

Leadership Self-Assessment: NURS FPX 5004 Assessment 4

Name: Capella University

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October 2023

Self-Assessment of Leadership, Collaboration, and Ethics

In this assessment, we embark on a comprehensive self-evaluation of our leadership, collaboration, and ethical experiences in the context of our professional role. Throughout our professional journey, we have encountered various challenges, ethical dilemmas, and opportunities to foster collaboration among stakeholders. This assessment provides a platform for a reflective exploration of our leadership actions and motivational techniques while comparing them to established models. Moreover, we delve into an ethical dilemma we faced, analyzing the actions taken in response, referencing specific elements of our professional code of ethics. Through this assessment, we aim to not only assess our experiences but also demonstrate our commitment to upholding the values and principles that guide our profession.

Analysis of Leadership Qualities and Actions

During my recent involvement in an organizational project, I had the opportunity to reflect on my leadership qualities and actions in the context of my core values as a healthcare professional. One of the paramount values in healthcare is the commitment to patient well-being (Tedla & Hamid, 2022). I realized that my leadership approach aligned with the servant leadership model, as I consistently prioritized the needs of both our team members and, ultimately, the patients we served. I actively sought to empower team members, foster collaboration, and provide them with the resources and support necessary to excel in their roles. My actions reflected the fundamental principle of patient-centered care, ensuring that our project outcomes aimed at enhancing the quality of healthcare delivery and, by extension, the patient experience (Tedla & Hamid, 2022).

Moreover, I recognized that ethical considerations played a pivotal role in my leadership approach. As healthcare professionals, we are guided by ethical principles, including beneficence and non-maleficence. In light of these principles, I consistently ensured that our project’s decisions and actions had a positive impact on both our team and the patients. I encouraged open dialogues and ethical discussions within the team, promoting an environment where ethical dilemmas could be addressed constructively. By aligning my leadership actions with my core professional values, I was able to foster a sense of purpose and unity within the team, resulting in a project that not only met its objectives but also upheld the highest ethical standards of healthcare practice (Rao, 2020).

Leadership and Motivational Techniques for Stakeholder Collaboration

In my role as a leader, I employed various techniques to foster collaboration among stakeholders, drawing inspiration from proven methods. One of the key techniques I utilized was active listening (Raman, 2021). I consistently made an effort to actively listen to the concerns, ideas, and perspectives of all stakeholders, which is akin to the “Appreciative Inquiry” technique. This approach encouraged open and transparent communication, ensuring that every stakeholder felt valued and heard. I created a safe space where stakeholders could express their opinions without fear of judgment, fostering a collaborative atmosphere where diverse ideas could thrive. This method aligned with the “Appreciative Inquiry” model, which is known for its positive, strengths-based approach to problem-solving and decision-making (Raman, 2021).

Additionally, I employed the “Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model” to drive collaboration and motivation among stakeholders. Recognizing that change can be met with resistance, I took steps to create a sense of urgency and shared a compelling vision of the project’s benefits. I also empowered stakeholders by delegating responsibilities and promoting ownership of the project’s success. By using this model, I helped stakeholders see the significance of our collaborative efforts and motivated them to actively engage in the project. These techniques proved effective in aligning stakeholder interests and fostering a sense of shared purpose, resulting in a collaborative environment that was essential for the project’s success (Thi Thanh, 2022).

Ethical Code of Conduct in Response to Ethical Dilemma

During my involvement in an organizational project, I encountered an ethical dilemma that required a careful and considered response. The dilemma centered around a decision that had potential implications for patient confidentiality, a fundamental aspect of our profession’s ethical code. A team member inadvertently shared patient information during a meeting without obtaining the necessary consent. To address this situation, I took the following steps.

Firstly, I immediately stopped the discussion and pointed out the breach of patient confidentiality. I cited specific elements of our ethical code, emphasizing the importance of patient privacy and the legal obligations associated with it (Zhang et al., 2021). I also reminded the team of the potential consequences of violating patient confidentiality, including legal and reputational repercussions for both the individual involved and the organization. This step was crucial in addressing the ethical dilemma head-on and aligning our actions with the profession’s ethical principles (Zhang et al., 2021).

Secondly, I initiated a discussion on how to rectify the situation and prevent future breaches. We examined our internal processes and identified gaps that had contributed to the incident. I emphasized the ethical principle of transparency, encouraging open communication about the error and its implications. This allowed us to develop a plan for addressing the breach, reporting it as required by law, and implementing corrective measures to prevent a recurrence (Busetti et al., 2021).

Lastly, I ensured that the affected patient was informed of the incident, in line with our ethical obligation to be truthful and honest. I supported the team member involved in understanding the gravity of the situation and guided them through the process of reporting the incident to the appropriate authorities. This comprehensive response to the ethical dilemma not only upheld the core values of our profession but also demonstrated a commitment to accountability and continuous improvement in our ethical practices.


This self-evaluation of our leadership, collaboration, and ethical experiences underscores our commitment to professional growth and ethical integrity. By analyzing our leadership actions and motivational techniques, comparing them to proven models, and examining our response to an ethical dilemma in alignment with our code of ethics, we demonstrate a steadfast dedication to our profession’s core values. This assessment reinforces the significance of continuous reflection, improvement, and the unwavering commitment to ethical principles that guide our actions as professionals.


Busetti, F., Baffoni, G., Tocco Tussardi, I., Raniero, D., Turrina, S., & De Leo, D. (2021). Policies and practice in the disclosure of medical error: Insights from leading countries to address the issue in Italy. Medicine, Science and the Law, 61(1_suppl), 88–91.

Raman, L. (2021). Using appreciative inquiry for team collaboration, creativity and innovation. AI Practitioner, 23(2), 24–30.

Rao, P. R. (2020). Ethical considerations for healthcare organizations. Seminars in Speech and Language, 41(03), 266–278.

Tedla, B. A., & Hamid, A. S. (2022). Leadership in healthcare organizations. International Journal of Health Sciences, 733–746.

Thi Thanh, U. P. (2022). The application of kotter’s model of change in the higher education: a case study in vietnam private universities. International Journal of Social Science and Human Research, 05(01).

Zhang, H., Zhang, H., Zhang, Z., & Wang, Y. (2021). Patient privacy and autonomy: A comparative analysis of cases of ethical dilemmas in China and the United States. BMC Medical Ethics, 22(1).

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