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Psychology Essay Topics

Psychology Essay Topics

Top 100+ Psychology Essay Topics for Students in 2024

Psychology is a very large and diverse science, which is, in a way or another is connected with different aspects of people’s lives, their behavior, thoughts and emotions, and even societal factors. As a student in psychology, you will find over 100 essay topics in this article classified by the major subfields to inspire or aid in your assignment.At the end of this article, you will find the list of interesting psychology essay topics that will encourage you to explore the most significant questions in psychology.

Why Is Selection Of Topic Sore In Writing Psychology, Sociology and Education Essays?

The subject that you select for your psychology essay will greatly determine the extent as well as the quality of research undertaken. A good type of essay should not only attract anyone’s attention, but also enable the author not only to explain and enlighten but also be able to cover psychological theories, experiments, and practices. Selecting a particular and niche area greatly helps to have a proper outline for your essay, especially when basing it on empirical literature.

Selecting the Best Topic for a Psychology Essay

Here are a few tips to help you choose the best psychology essay topic:

  1. Interest and Passion: Choose a topic that you would like to get more information on. If you feel passionate about something, chances are you will have no problem continuing writing about it for a long time.
  2. Scope and Depth: Select a subject that is rich in information yet not so general that you can’t exhaust research finding appropriate material.
  3. Current Relevance: Choose the topic that has connection with present problems of psychology or with recent investigations, as they captivate both the readers and the examiners.
  4. Available Research: Make sure that there is adequate literature that you can use to buttress either argument or perspective that you have.

Now, without further ado, lets’ present you with the list of psychology essay topics.

1. Cognitive Psychology Essay Topics

Cognitive psychology deals with issues to do with thinking, knowledge acquisition, perception, and knowledge application. These topics may be of interest as all of them are related to how we perceive and make sense of information.

  • In what manner do working memory affect learning in child students?
  • Cognitive effects of ageing.
  • The place and role of cognitive biases in decision making.
  • Mindfulness-Based Programs Improve Psychological Flexibility.
  • Does multitasking impact the brain positively or negatively?
  • Jean Piaget Cognitive Development Theory Compared to Lev Vygotsky’s.
  • The psychology of false memories: an overview.

2. List of Social Psychology Research Proposals

Social psychology looks at how people bring about change in others, or are changed by others. If you have interest in carrying out interpersonal relationship and social interaction, then topics offered by social psychology may interest you.

  • Group behaviour: psychologically the formation and effect of groupthink on decision-making process.
  • In what ways can social networking affect esteem and identity?
  • The relationship between conforming and obeying as the influences of behavior.
  • What is prejudice and how is it produced, and what are the psychological processes that underlie it?
  • The bystander effect, diffusion of responsibility and today society.

3. Developmental Psychology Major Research Themes

Developmental psychology focuses on the process of development from conception to death and in between. These topics enable you to examine the developmental processes as a psychological phenomenon across the life cycle.

  • How does the Rusbult & Buunk’s attachment theory apply to relationships during adulthood?
  • Review of early years as a determinant of psychological condition.
  • In what ways parenting styles affect personalities of students?
  • The stages of moral development: Kohlberg’s theory revisited.
  • On the active participation of peers in the course of social development.

4. List of Abnormal Psychology Essay Questions

Abnormal psychology is all about behavior that is looked at as being one of a kind or odd and normally relates to mental or emotional illness. If you’re interested in mental illness and therapeutic interventions, consider the following topics:

  • What is the psychological causes of eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia?
  • The distinctive traits of depression in men and women.
  • The connection between environmental stimuli and bipolar disorders.
  • Review of the efficacy of mindfulness based therapies for patients with depression.
  • Mental health Stigma and Discrimination in the contemporary society.

5. List of Clinical Psychology Essay Topics

Clinical psychology is designed to diagnose and treat individuals with mental, emotional and behavioural disorders. If you’re interested in therapy, assessment, and mental health treatment, consider these topics:

In other words, the efficacy of short and long-term, time-limited and open-ended, structured and unstructured forms of psychotherapy.

  • What is the process that therapists employ to build goodwill with patients during the therapeutic sessions?
  • How clinical psychologists can address childhood trauma.
  • In what way does clinical psychology deal with the concerns of LGBTQ+ people?
  • Crisis intervention by clinical psychologists.
  • Applying the physical mental health integrative approach in clinical context.

Read more: https://www.etutors.us/writing-sample-nursing-philosophy-paper/


Selecting the appropriate subject to write your psychology can be very important in order to provide a good paper. Within the domain of psychology, there is a vast array of subtopics, which defines its topics and research questions differently. Cognitive processes, social issues, abnormal behaviour, clinical intervention-most of the issue areas are interesting and are sufficient to grab your interest.


A: A novice does not need to take an advanced course on psychology; he may take a course on the psychology of learning, or the role of memory in behavior, or effect of use of face book on self esteem.

A: Select a subject you are passionate about, there is ample literature about, but you do not want to choose a topic that is too general or too specific. Ensure that it fulfils requirements of the assignment you are submitting it for.

A: Indeed, mental health disorders are a significant part of the topic in psychology. Ensure that you focus on one of them, for example, treatment, causes or the effect on society.

A: Some of them include: Pro and cons of using animals in psychological research, heredity and genetics, and other treatments such as hypnosis.

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