NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 1 Locating Credible Databases And Research

NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 1 Locating Credible Databases and Research

NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 1
Capella University
Date: April 2023

Locating Credible Databases and Research

For professional problem-solving and effective decision-making, evidence-based practice is a widely accepted and appreciated approach. EBP is especially practiced in nursing, healthcare, psychology, medicine, and social services. The world’s population has reached eight billion in 2023 and it is expected to grow more. Pregnancy is a natural process, an effortful time of nine months in which a mother undergoes many changes. However, with the pleasant reward of a baby, pregnancy is a tough time period for a woman. Starting from an unstable first trimester and ending in a burdensome third trimester with delivering a baby.

Delivering a baby is not an easy process as women have to endure a massive amount of pain. Many women suffer from hypertension, diabetes, and placenta previa; thus their pregnancy poses a high risk to the baby and mother (Wesolowska et al., 2019). During this time period, the role of an obstetric nurse and midwife is important.  This assessment sheds light on improving communication practices among nurses to enhance their capabilities. For the management of pre- and post-neonatal issues, a discussion on evidence-based practice is important.

Communication Strategies to Encourage

Diagnosis-Based Research

Pre- and post-natal care is a critical stage at which there is a need for high-response assistance from the healthcare worker’s side. Nurses have a major role in the speedy recovery of a mother right after childbirth. Women have reported restlessness, insufficient time from the midwife, and improper physical support from the healthcare workers (Peahl et al., 2020). Some mothers feel confused about breastfeeding and probably suffer from post-partum depression after discharge from the hospital. Childbirth is a crucial time at which a woman is feeling a lot of mixed emotions. She needs extra care from the healthcare workers and family as well. To prevent any post-natal complication and post-partum depression, obstetric nurses and midwives can play their roles.

NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 1

Before hiring, there should be detailed and proper training sessions for the recruited nurses to get their hands on the best maternal care practices. They should be taught better time management so that the baby and the mother can be dealt with simultaneously. At the end of every patient discharge, nurses should give their valuable feedback which should be compiled into the annual magazine of the hospital (Malouf et al., 2019). This section will help the new nurses and students to better understand the challenges in pre- and post-maternal care. Better communication with the delivery mother can improve the overall delivery of the services.

Benefits of These Strategies in Building Professional Competence

Effective and friendly communication practices can improve the state of delivering mothers. However, further enhancement can be made if there are efforts for the improvement of physical and mental health as well. Healthcare workers or nurses should communicate with the patient and her family members. A patient can better tell about her physical and psychological needs. This can help healthcare providers to take better decisions based on the present state of the patient. In this regard, all the workers working in that gynecology ward should collaborate with each other and reach a particular suggestion.

Effective communication with the mother and among healthcare workers can improve the present state and prevent the post-partum issues of the new mother. This will also assist in evidence-based practice as for all the upcoming delivery cases, the healthcare nurse will be using her previous knowledge. Continuum care can improve the state of the mother’s health through a series of care strategies at a particular time and space (Kikuchi et al., 2018).

Best Places to Complete Research within the Workplace Environment

The medical and nursing domain requires wide, extensive, and up-to-date research. It helps the healthcare worker to know about new studies, treatment techniques, and care strategies for pre-and post-natal care. Many printed and digital academic resources can help in this literature review and adoption of knowledge. Some examples of these resources are peer-reviewed articles, seminars, magazines, and healthcare websites. These literature sources can help a healthcare worker to better deal with maternal and neonatal care with the help of evidence. Some digital resources that can provide sufficient information on this subject are Google Scholar, PubMed, and the American Academy of Pediatrics.  These digital platforms provide tons of research articles, expert guidelines, patient experiences, and surveys on maternal and neonatal care. This care can also be ensured through a policy-based approach by the government (Song et al., 2018).

Types of Resources for Accessing the Information

There are many primary and secondary resources that provide valuable information to healthcare workers for maternal and neonatal care. Primary resources on maternal and neonatal healthcare are designed and integrated by WHO (World Health Organization) and UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) which are globally implemented and followed. If we talk about a particular healthcare setting, the primary information will be obtained through interviews, surveys, and EHR/EMR software (Frost, 2020). These online resources also help to gather other patients’ experiences and some complex cases which can help to design precautionary and best-treatment measures for the patient. CRAAP test is a valid test that is used to analyze the credibility of resources. This test comprises a set of self-questions that enlighten the Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose (Patterson et al., 2021). This ensures that whether the information is implementable, relevant, or gathered from a credible source or not.

Reasons for Utilizing the Places for Getting Data within the Healthcare Setting

For gathering multi-dimensional information about maternal and neonatal care, online medical resources and EHR/HER technology can be helpful. These digital platforms are authentic and provide credible information for all sorts of medical issues. EMR/EHR analyzes the current state of the patient and helps in timely patient–disease management (Purkayastha et al., 2019).

The Best Online Resource for the Evidence Collection

Other than EMR/EHR, there are many beneficial online platforms that provide evidence-based information on maternal and neonatal care. These online resources are CINAHL, Cochrane Library, PubMed, and Medline.

Cochrane Library

It provides a large database for clinical studies (Xing & Lin, 2022). Cochrane Library is a large database collection of a variety of high-quality evidence that helps in informed decision-making in a healthcare organization. For finding authentic statistical information about pregnancy, maternity, and neonatal care, it is a credible platform.


United States National Library of Medicine (NLM) operates an online database that provides in-depth peer-reviewed articles in medical and clinical sciences and enlightens issues of maternity and pregnancy (Smith, 2022). 

It is a digital platform on which clinical testing is carried out globally. It is a beneficial website that has stored information about current and carried-on clinical testing on maternity and neonatal issues (Roque Pereira et al., 2022).


PubMed is a health research website that has been launched by the National Library of Medicine after tirelessly working for several years. It is a resource full of research articles and journals of medical sciences (White, 2020). Useful information regarding maternal and neonatal care can also be found on it. It can give high-quality, credible, and up-do-dated research articles on maternal care, pregnancy, and neonatal handling.


CINAHL stands for “Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature. It is a database that is a repository for a wide variety of biomedical sciences. It also has valuable information treasure on pregnancy, maternity, and neonatal issues (Hopia & Heikkilä, 2019).

Why are these Resources Credible Evidence-based Resources?

Online authentic resources can help to extract valuable information on pregnancy, maternal and neonatal care. Online databases provide valid stats and credible information with the help of articles on neonatal issues. This helps in adopting the best evidence-based practice on the basis of which healthcare workers achieve their goals. These digital resources are free of cost; thus a healthcare organization can make them better with up-to-date information and global connections.


Maternal and neonatal care is a critical area of clinical sciences. Effective communication and a friendly environment ensured by healthcare workers can assist in the care of new mothers and their babies. Furthermore, it provides elite information on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of any healthcare problem. Healthcare workers can design effective training workshops to strengthen their skills with the help of online resources for maternal and neonatal care.

NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 1: References

Frost, K. S. (2020). Designing a theory-based digital audit and feedback dashboard for maternal and child health care providers: A qualitative study of preferences and needs in Palestine.

Hopia, H., & Heikkilä, J. (2019). Nursing research priorities based on CINAHL database: A scoping review. Nursing Open, 7(2).

Kikuchi, K., Yasuoka, J., Nanishi, K., Ahmed, A., Nohara, Y., Nishikitani, M., Yokota, F., Mizutani, T., & Nakashima, N. (2018). Postnatal care could be the key to improving the continuum of care in maternal and child health in Ratanakiri, Cambodia. PLOS ONE, 13(6), e0198829.

Malouf, R., Henderson, J., & Alderdice, F. (2019). Expectations and experiences of hospital postnatal care in the UK: a systematic review of quantitative and qualitative studies. BMJ Open, 9(7), e022212.

Patterson, B., Clark, L., Sanchez-Birkhead, A. C., Martinez, L. I., & Egger, M. J. (2021). Developing a web-based toolkit for new mothers about postpartum pelvic floor health in collaboration with a professional medical association. Journal of the Medical Library Association : JMLA, 109(4), 667–671.

Peahl, A. F., Novara, A., Heisler, M., Dalton, V. K., Moniz, M. H., & Smith, R. D. (2020). Patient Preferences for Prenatal and Postpartum Care Delivery. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 135(5), 1038–1046.

Purkayastha, S., Allam, R., Maity, P., & Gichoya, J. W. (2019). Comparison of Open-Source Electronic Health Record Systems Based on Functional and User Performance Criteria. Healthcare Informatics Research, 25(2), 89.

Roque Pereira, L., Durán, C. E., Layton, D., Poulentzas, G., Lalagkas, P.-N., Kontogiorgis, C., & Sturkenboom, M. (2022). A Landscape Analysis of Post-Marketing Studies Registered in the EU PAS Register and Focusing on Pregnancy Outcomes or Breastfeeding Effects: A Contribution from the ConcePTION Project. Drug Safety, 45(4), 333–344.

NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 1

Smith, K. A. (2022). Free MEDLINE access worldwide. Information Services & Use, 1–10.

Song, I. G., Shin, S. H., & Kim, H.-S. (2018). Improved Regional Disparities in Neonatal Care by Government-led Policies in Korea. Journal of Korean Medical Science, 33(6).

Wesołowska, E., Jankowska, A., Trafalska, E., Kałużny, P., Grzesiak, M., Dominowska, J., Hanke, W., Calamandrei, G., & Polańska, K. (2019). Sociodemographic, Lifestyle, Environmental and Pregnancy-Related Determinants of Dietary Patterns during Pregnancy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(5), 754.

White, J. (2020). PubMed 2.0. Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 39(4), 382–387.

Xing, A., & Lin, L. (2022). Empirical assessment of fragility index based on a large database of clinical studies in the Cochrane Library. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 29(2), 359–370.

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