NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 4 Health Promotion Plan Presentation

NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 4: Health Promotion Plan Presentation

NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 4


Capella University


Professor’s Name

December 2023

NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 4: Health Promotion Plan Presentation

Hi, I am Maria Nicole, Welcome to today’s presentation on the topic of the Health Promotion Plan that we discussed in the first assessment. In this presentation, we’ll talk about the patient Sarah who is a 32-year-old graphic designer, and has had the addiction for the past eight years.

Scenario and Context

In this presentation, I will discuss patient Sarah, a 32-year-old graphic designer residing in an urban community. Despite her vibrant career and active social life, Sarah has been grappling with a persistent smoking addiction for nearly a decade. Her daily routine involves using cigarettes as a coping mechanism for work-related stress and personal challenges. Sarah is keenly aware of the adverse health effects of smoking, experiencing chronic coughing and shortness of breath. Compounded by the fact that many in her social circle are smokers, Sarah faces the normalization of tobacco use in her immediate environment, adding an extra layer of complexity to her struggle with addiction. Looking ahead, Sarah’s continued smoking poses potential future harmful effects on her health. Prolonged exposure to tobacco smoke may elevate her risk of developing serious health conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cardiovascular diseases, and an increased susceptibility to various cancers.

Additionally, the financial strain associated with sustained smoking and the evolving societal norms regarding tobacco use may contribute to social isolation and impact Sarah’s overall well-being. To address the pervasive issue of smoking addiction, the Healthy People 2030 agenda in the US plays a crucial role. This framework advocates for evidence-based smoking cessation programs, heightened accessibility to support services, and targeted educational campaigns. By endorsing policies like increased tobacco taxes and comprehensive smoke-free legislation, the agenda strives to create an environment conducive to smoking cessation (Linnan et al., 2019). Through collaborative initiatives involving healthcare providers, communities, and policymakers, Healthy People 2030 aims to implement a multifaceted, comprehensive strategy to decrease smoking addiction, thereby contributing to the overall improvement of public health in the United States.

The Plan Based on Specific, Identified Health Needs and Goals

To address Sarah’s specific health needs and goals related to smoking addiction, a comprehensive health promotion plan is essential. The plan focuses on evidence-based interventions tailored to her individual circumstances, aiming to reduce her daily cigarette intake and enhance access to smoking cessation resources. Nurses play a crucial role in supporting individuals like Sarah on their journey to smoking cessation. As frontline healthcare providers, nurses can engage in health education, delivering personalized information to enhance Sarah’s understanding of the health risks associated with smoking (Bazargan et al. 2020).. Additionally, nurses can provide counseling services, assisting Sarah in developing coping mechanisms for stress without resorting to smoking. Their role extends to collaborating with other healthcare professionals to ensure a holistic approach to Sarah’s well-being, addressing both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction.

SMART Goals in the Health Promotion Plan

The health promotion plan incorporates SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals to guide the intervention process. Firstly, Sarah’s goal is to reduce her daily cigarette intake by 30% within the next three months. This goal is specific to her current smoking habits, measurable through regular assessments, achievable through evidence-based interventions, relevant to her overall health, and time-bound to ensure ongoing progress monitoring. Secondly, the plan aims for a 25% increase in Sarah’s accessibility to smoking cessation resources within the next six months. This goal is specific to addressing her support needs, measurable through improved resource utilization, achievable through enhanced service accessibility, relevant to her quitting journey, and time-bound to facilitate timely improvements in her smoking cessation efforts (Nguyen et al. 2020). By adhering to SMART criteria, the health promotion plan for Sarah ensures a targeted, effective, and time-sensitive approach to addressing her specific health goals related to smoking addiction.

NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 4: Educational Outcomes and the Attainment of Agreed-Upon Health Goals

The evaluation of the educational session outcomes in collaboration with our hypothetical participant, Sarah, represents a critical phase in assessing the effectiveness of our health promotion initiative. The educational sessions, tailored to Sarah’s unique needs, focused on providing comprehensive information about the health risks associated with smoking and the benefits of smoking cessation. Immediate outcomes include a noticeable increase in Sarah’s awareness of the detrimental effects of smoking on her health (Klemperer et al., 2020). Through pre-and post-session assessments, it was evident that Sarah developed a deeper understanding of the specific risks she faced due to her smoking habits. This heightened awareness lays a foundation for informed decision-making and serves as a precursor to the attainment of our mutually agreed-upon health goals.

Attainment of Agreed-upon Health Goals

Collaboratively established health goals aimed at reducing Sarah’s daily cigarette intake and enhancing access to smoking cessation resources were evaluated to gauge their attainment. Regular check-ins and assessments revealed promising progress, with Sarah successfully reducing her daily cigarette consumption by 25% within the initial two months of the intervention. This outcome underscores the effectiveness of the targeted health promotion plan and Sarah’s commitment to making tangible changes in her smoking habits. Furthermore, the evaluation highlighted an increased utilization of smoking cessation resources, meeting our goal of enhancing accessibility. Sarah actively engaged with counseling services and nicotine replacement therapies, indicating a positive shift towards a more comprehensive approach to smoking cessation. These early achievements provide a strong foundation for ongoing support and the pursuit of the long-term health goals set collaboratively with Sarah.

Implications for Future Health Promotion Strategies

The evaluation of educational session outcomes and the attainment of health goals underscore the importance of tailored, participant-centered interventions in the realm of smoking cessation. Recognizing the success achieved in Sarah’s case informs future health promotion strategies, emphasizing the significance of individualized education and goal-setting. The iterative nature of the evaluation process ensures ongoing responsiveness to Sarah’s evolving needs, providing valuable insights for continuous improvement (Villarroel et al., 2020). As we progress, the outcomes of this collaboration with our hypothetical participant will guide the refinement of health promotion initiatives, contributing to the broader objective of reducing smoking addiction and improving public health outcomes.

Revision for Future Educational Sessions

The need for revisions to future educational sessions becomes apparent through a meticulous examination of the current session outcomes and participant feedback. Despite the positive strides made in Sarah’s awareness and initial reduction in daily cigarette intake, areas requiring refinement have surfaced. Participant feedback highlights the necessity for clearer communication on coping mechanisms for stress, a critical aspect considering smoking’s role as a stress-relief mechanism for many individuals (Chen et al., 2021). Additionally, the evaluation has revealed variations in individual learning preferences, necessitating a more diversified approach to information delivery. By acknowledging these specific areas for improvement, future educational sessions can be tailored to address the nuanced needs and preferences of participants, ensuring a more comprehensive and effective intervention.

Enhancing Participant Engagement

Revisions to future educational sessions are imperative to enhance participant engagement and reinforce key messages. Incorporating interactive elements, such as group discussions, role-playing exercises, or visual aids, can cater to diverse learning styles and foster a more engaging educational environment. Recognizing that participant engagement is pivotal for the success of the health promotion initiative, revisions will aim to strike a balance between conveying essential information and creating an interactive, participatory atmosphere (Benowitz et al., 2020). This approach not only ensures a more impactful educational experience but also encourages active involvement and sustained interest, ultimately contributing to the long-term success of smoking cessation efforts.

Continuous Adaptation to Participant Needs

Revisions to future educational sessions should also center on a continuous adaptation to the evolving needs of participants. Regular assessments and feedback mechanisms will be incorporated into the educational strategy to gauge the effectiveness of the content and the overall learning experience. This iterative process allows for real-time adjustments, ensuring that the educational sessions remain responsive to participant feedback and current best practices in smoking cessation. By prioritizing flexibility and responsiveness, future sessions can better cater to the individualized requirements of participants like Sarah, fostering a dynamic and participant-centered approach in line with the overarching goals of the health promotion initiative.

Healthy People 2030 Agenda and Tobacco Cessation

The evaluation of educational session outcomes reveals notable progress in advancing tobacco cessation efforts aligned with the Healthy People 2030 agenda objectives. Initial assessments indicate an enhanced awareness among participants, including our hypothetical participant Sarah, regarding the detrimental health effects of smoking. There is discernible progress in participants’ understanding of the resources available for smoking cessation, with an increased willingness to engage with support services. This progress underscores the effectiveness of the educational sessions in promoting knowledge dissemination and fostering an environment conducive to behavioral change. The positive trajectory observed in the educational session outcomes sets a promising foundation for the broader aim of reducing tobacco use and improving public health outcomes in alignment with the Healthy People 2030 agenda.

Contributions to Healthy People 2030 Agenda Objectives

The educational sessions play a vital role in contributing to the Tobacco Cessation objectives outlined in the Healthy People 2030 agenda. By disseminating evidence-based information and empowering participants like Sarah to make informed decisions about smoking cessation, the sessions align with the agenda’s commitment to reducing the prevalence of tobacco use. Notable progress is observed in participants’ readiness to engage with smoking cessation resources, indicating a positive shift toward achieving the overarching agenda objectives. Moreover, the sessions contribute to addressing leading health indicators associated with tobacco use, such as respiratory diseases and cardiovascular conditions (Gaiha et al., 2020). This alignment signifies a meaningful step toward the broader national goal of fostering a tobacco-free society and reducing the burden of tobacco-related illnesses.

NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 4: Challenges and Opportunities for Improvement

While progress is evident, challenges and opportunities for improvement in future sessions also emerge. Tailoring sessions to address specific socio-economic factors influencing smoking behaviors and ensuring accessibility for diverse populations remain critical considerations. By addressing these challenges, future sessions can be refined to better meet the needs of participants, contributing to a more comprehensive and equitable approach to tobacco cessation. Continuous evaluation and adaptation of educational strategies will be pivotal to navigating challenges and optimizing the impact of these sessions, ensuring sustained progress toward the Healthy People 2030 agenda objectives and associated health indicators.

Healthy People 2030 Agenda Influencing the Educational Sessions Outcomes

The alignment between the Healthy People 2030 agenda and educational session outcomes underscores the interconnectedness of national health goals and community-based interventions. Evaluation of current session outcomes in light of Healthy People 2030 reveals the need for targeted revisions to better align future sessions with the agenda’s objectives. While progress has been made in enhancing participant awareness and engagement with smoking cessation resources, a more explicit incorporation of Healthy People 2030 indicators is necessary. Future sessions can benefit from a more focused emphasis on key agenda objectives, such as reducing the prevalence of tobacco use and mitigating the burden of tobacco-related illnesses (Perrine et al., 2019). This alignment will not only enhance the relevance of the educational content but also contribute to a more measurable impact on the leading health indicators outlined in the agenda.


Revisions to future sessions will prioritize a strategic realignment with specific Healthy People 2030 objectives, ensuring that the content remains targeted and responsive to the national agenda’s overarching goals. This entails refining educational materials to explicitly address leading health indicators associated with tobacco use, incorporating evidence-based strategies endorsed by the agenda, and fostering a more comprehensive understanding of the socio-economic determinants influencing smoking behaviors (Khan et al., 2021) . By integrating these revisions, educational sessions can serve as a more direct conduit for advancing the national tobacco cessation agenda, creating a synergistic relationship between community-level interventions and broader public health objectives outlined in the Healthy People 2030 framework.


In conclusion, the integration of educational sessions with the Healthy People 2030 agenda reflects a crucial intersection between local interventions and national health goals. The progress observed in enhancing participant awareness and engagement underscores the potential of community-based initiatives in contributing to broader public health objectives. However, the evaluation also highlights the need for strategic revisions in future sessions to more explicitly align with Healthy People 2030 objectives, addressing specific leading health indicators associated with tobacco use. By refining educational content, incorporating evidence-based strategies, and recognizing the socio-economic determinants influencing smoking behaviors, these revisions aim to create a more synergistic relationship between community-level efforts and the overarching national agenda. This iterative process of evaluation and adaptation ensures that educational sessions remain a dynamic and effective tool in advancing tobacco cessation goals within the broader framework of Healthy People 2030.


NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 4: References

Bazargan, M., Cobb, S., Castro, J., & Assari, S. (2020). Smoking status and well-being of underserved African American older adults. Behavioral Sciences, 10(4), 78.

Benowitz, L., Bernert, T., Foulds, J., Hecht, S., Jacob, P., Jarvis, J., Joseph, A., Oncken, C., & Piper, E. (2020). Biochemical verification of tobacco use and abstinence: 2019 update. Nicotine & Tobacco Research: Official Journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, 22(7), 1086–1097.

Chen, H., Girvalaki, C., Mechili, A., Millett, C., & Filippidis, T. (2021). Global patterns and prevalence of dual and poly-tobacco use: A systematic review. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 23(11), 1816–1820.

Gaiha, M., Cheng, J., & Halpern, B. (2020). Association between youth smoking, electronic cigarette use, and COVID-19. Journal of Adolescent Health, 67(4), 519–523.

Khan, A., Green, K., Khandaker, G., Lawler, S., & Gartner, C. (2021). How can a coordinated regional smoking cessation initiative be developed and implemented? A programme logic model to evaluate the “10,000 Lives” health promotion initiative in central Queensland, Australia. BMJ Open, 11(3), e044649.

Klemperer, M., West, C., Peasley, C., & Villanti, C. (2020). Change in tobacco and electronic cigarette use and motivation to quit in response to COVID-19. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 22(9), 1662–1663.

Linnan, A., Cluff, L., Lang, E., Penne, M., & Leff, S. (2019). Results of the workplace health in America survey. American Journal of Health Promotion, 33(5), 652–665.

Nguyen, T., Pierce, P., Sakuma, K., Leas, C., McMenamin, B., Kealey, S., Benmarhnia, T., Emery, L., White, M., Fagan, P., & Trinidad, R. (2020). Widening disparities in cigarette smoking by race/ethnicity across education levels in the United States. Preventive Medicine, 139, 106220.

Perrine, G., Pickens, M., Boehmer, K., King, A., Jones, M., DeSisto, L., Duca, M., Lekiachvili, A., Kenemer, B., Shamout, M., Landen, G., Lynfield, R., Ghinai, I., Heinzerling, A., Lewis, N., Pray, W., Tanz, J., Patel, A., Briss, A., & Adjemian, J. (2019). Characteristics of a multistate outbreak of lung injury associated with E-cigarette use, or vaping-United States, 2019. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 68(39), 860–864.

Villarroel, A., Cha, E., & Vahratian, A. (2020, April). Electronic cigarette use among U.S. adults, 2018.

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