NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 1 Identifying Community Health Needs

NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 4


Capella University


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23rd April, 2024.

NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 1 Identifying Community Health Needs:

Observing a state’s or locality’s health standards is essential to enhancing general health outcomes, and patient treatments and minimizing health inequities. The main causes of mortality and disability in the US, according to the Centers for the Control of Diseases and Prevention, are chronic diseases including diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Although these illnesses are mostly avoidable or treatable, the impact they have on various populations varies highly. Healthcare professionals may create focused arbitrations and programs by having a thorough understanding of the unique health demands of a group. There are many centers in the US for better treatment of patients. For instance, healthcare professionals can focus on initiatives that support diabetes control, physical exercise, and a nutritious diet in communities where the disease is very prevalent.

However, By adjusting messages to the unique requirements of the community, this data may also be utilized to increase health awareness and education. Many benefits may be obtained by attending to these particular health requirements (Middleton et al., 2024). Additionally, Ensuring universal access to preventative and treatment services is a key component of improved care accessibility (Salim Benkhedda et al., 2024). However, People who have received more health education and knowledge are better equipped to make decisions regarding their health. Moreover, Encouraging healthy habits decreases the chance of developing chronic illnesses and increases general health. Furthermore, by concentrating resources on the health problems that are most common in a community, focused interventions can result in more affordable treatments. In the end, recognizing and meeting community health needs improves people’s quality of life both individually and collectively.

Customizing treatments to target these variables can have a special effect. Public health departments and government entities at the state and municipal levels provide data on health inequalities. By utilizing this data and comprehending the unique health requirements of a community, we can build a fairer and healthier future for all. We will focus on the prevalence of hypertension, or high blood pressure, in Arkansas in this evaluation. The Fay W. Boozman College which is for Public Health at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences estimates that two-thirds of adult cases of hypertension in the state are uncontrolled, accounting for roughly half of the state’s adult population. As compared to the national average, this is noticeably greater. Moreover, hypertension affects Black Arkansans disproportionately; its prevalence is over 15% greater than that of White Arkansans.

To find trends linked to hypertension, it will look at demographic traits in Arkansas, including age, socioeconomic status, and geographic region. So, we will also look at certain demographic trends that are said to be related to hypertension, such as the ageing of the population and the rise in the incidence of obesity. Health outcomes are highly impacted by social determinants of health, including access to nutritious food, education, and income. By comprehending these elements, we can determine which populations are most vulnerable and create focused interventions to enhance Arkansas’s health results (Csiszar et al., 2024).


Analyzing Demographic Characteristics: Insights into Community or State Demographic Makeup

Precise medical billing requires correct demographic data. It enables medical professionals to accurately classify diagnoses and treatments, guaranteeing insurance companies will pay the appropriate amount. In the end, this guarantees patient access to care and the financial viability of healthcare facilities. So, comprehending the demographics of patients enables healthcare practitioners to customize their approach to meet specific requirements. Age and family history are two demographics that may suggest a higher chance of developing a certain disease. Preventive interventions and early detection are made possible as a result. A woman over 40, for instance, may undergo a different breast cancer screening process than a woman who is younger.

Plan designs can be influenced by demographic information. For example, older individuals who may have decreased renal function may require a modification in their drug dosage. Ethnicity and language are two demographics that can inform culturally competent treatment. Moreover, Comprehending the cultural background and beliefs of a patient may enhance communication, foster trust, and guarantee compliance with treatment regimens. Research has indicated the presence of racial and ethnic differences in healthcare. Comprehending the patient population can aid in recognizing and resolving these discrepancies. Globally, the ageing population is increasing.

Additionally, Healthcare systems must change to meet the unique requirements of this population. Based on the most recent statistics obtainable from the US Census Bureau, the population of Arkansas is over 3 million, with a median age of about 36. White people make up 78.6% of the population, obeying Black or African Americans (15.7%), Asians (1.8%), and other racial groups (3.9%). Notably, compared to the national average, Arkansas has a larger share of the rural population. Arkansas’s health status is poor according to a number of health metrics. With more than 34% of individuals being considered fat, the state has the sixth-highest adult obesity rate in the US. However, Concerningly high adult smoking rates among the highest in the US are also observed in Arkansas (Li et al., 2024).

NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 1: Exploring Patterns and Trends in Demographic Reports: Insights into Population Dynamics

Like many other states in the union, Arkansas’s population is ageing. The median age of the state’s population grew from 35.9 in 2010 to 38.6 in 2019, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The median age is expected to remain at around 36 years old in 2022. Although white people still make up the majority in Arkansas, the share of non-white people has increased. The proportion of Hispanics in the population has increased dramatically; by 2022, it is expected to reach 8.3%, up 48% from 2010. The number of Asians has also increased, with estimates for 2022 putting it at 2.3%—a 37% rise from 2010. The number of African Americans, or Blacks, has not changed much. The number of people living in rural Arkansas has decreased as more individuals relocate to metropolitan regions in search of employment and better economic prospects.

Between 2010 and 2019, the population of 59 of the 75 counties in the state decreased, with rural regions seeing the most losses, according to Brooks (2020). Arkansas’s population increased by just 2.14% between 2010 and 2022, with the majority of the growth occurring in metropolitan regions. The absence of thorough data on the state’s LGBTQ+ population is one data gap that could have an influence on trends information on their social and economic standing, health outcomes, and demographics is scarce. However, Inadequate data can impede attempts to rectify health inequalities and guarantee LGBTQ+ people fair access to healthcare. Data on income and poverty levels among various demographic groupings is another area of incompleteness. Although Arkansas’s overall poverty rate has declined, coming in at 16.8% in 2022, there are still large racial and ethnic differences. The poverty rate for Black or African American Arkansans is 28.9%, while the rate for Hispanic Arkansans is around 26.7%, and the rate for White Arkansans is 13.7%.

However, it can be challenging to recognize and resolve these gaps since there is a lack of information on the income and poverty levels of other minority groups, such as Asian Americans and Native Americans. Moreover, It is difficult to create focused initiatives and programs to improve all areas in Arkansas because of this lack of detailed data (Liu et al., 2023).

Identifying Vulnerable Groups: Understanding the Impact of Health Concerns on Community or State Populations

 Chronic illnesses including diabetes and hypertension are also common. In Arkansas, more than 13% of individuals have diabetes, while over 40% of adults have hypertension. Regretfully, Arkansas ranks badly when it comes to mental health results in comparison to other states. Bring up the incidence of dental caries worldwide. Dental care, which is affecting almost 2.3 billion people worldwide, is the most prevalent chronic oral illness, according to the World Health Organization. Emphasize how it affects kids. Untreated dental caries is the most prevalent oral health issue affecting children worldwide. Fluoride strengthens dental enamel that is deteriorated and increases its resistance to acid assaults from plaque bacteria.

Maintaining dental health is essential to overall health; unfortunately, a large fraction of the global population estimated to be over 2.3 billion people struggles with a variety of oral disorders. The most prevalent chronic oral disease worldwide, dental caries mostly affects children and teenagers. In order to keep dental cavities under control, fluoride is essential. It functions by reinforcing tooth enamel that has deteriorated and increasing its resistance to acid assaults brought on by plaque bacteria. As a result of the strong evidence that fluoride is beneficial in reducing dental cavities, several community-level fluoridation programs have been developed and implemented as international public health preventative measures (Major et al., 2024).

NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 1: Communication of Demographic Data and Health Needs

An alarming trend in healthcare availability has surfaced in Alberta, Canada. Research comparing visits to emergency departments (EDs) and urgent care centers between 2012 and 2017 revealed that a greater percentage of First Nations patients left the facility without being treated or against medical advice. However, The difference was substantial: compared to non-Indigenous patients, who had a 3.7% chance of leaving without obtaining care, First Nations patients had a 6.8% higher chance of doing so. This study inspired other research to examine whether these discrepancies continued when patient demographics and visit characteristics were taken into account, as well as to investigate the root causes of First Nations patients discontinuing care.

Add the observed difference as a percentage. Research reveals a notable discrepancy: First Nations patients are 6.8% more likely than non-Indigenous patients (3.7%) to depart without being examined or against medical advice. Use simple and succinct language, stay away from technical jargon, and include context and background information to ensure that the material is understood by a range of audiences. Infographics, graphs, and charts are examples of visual aids that may be used to present complicated information in an understandable way. Including pertinent examples and anecdotes from your own life can also help you connect and engage the audience (Marty et al., 2024).

NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 1  Conclusion:

Just briefly discuss the advantages of surveys. They can reach a big demographic, are affordable, and are anonymous. Mention the survey’s shortcomings in brief. They depend on self-reported data, which might be unreliable and incomplete in depicting health. Emphasize the advantages of doing physical examinations. They offer impartial information on health status, such as weight, blood pressure, and other vital indicators. Assessing the degree of well-being within a community or organization can be done in a variety of ways (Ramaboli et al., 2024). Health exams and surveys are two popular methods. Surveys may be inexpensive and successful in reaching a broad community, whether they are self-administered or conducted by a professional. They enable people to report on their health-related habits, risk factors, and well-being views in an anonymous manner. But polls depend on self-reported information, which could be unreliable.

Healthcare providers may also perform in-person physical examinations to get a more complete picture. Objective information about health status, such as weight, blood pressure, and other vital indicators, is provided by these evaluations. The study of epidemiology. It is the study of health and illness trends, causes, and consequences in populations. Data measurements and population studies are used to characterize and validate epidemiology and health trends. The study of epidemiology aids in our comprehension of the trends, origins, and consequences of health and illness in populations. Needs analyses are carried out in order to establish new program designs. To differentiate between requirements that are founded on facts and needs that are just felt, a solid needs assessment must be backed by data, as suggested by Perez and Luquis (2014). It is only via accurate measurement and data analysis that this distinction may be determined. These may include program creation, community outreach, and data analytic abilities. A master’s prepared nurse is becoming more and more active in healthcare practices outside of bedside and individual patient care.

Additionally, Population health is an area of great importance to them. While there are many different skill sets involved in population health, some fundamental areas of concentration include the discovery and analysis of health data for communities and people. For healthcare practitioners to pinpoint certain groups or health issues that require attention, population- and community-level health data is essential. The most advantageous locations for health promotion tactics, interventions, or educational initiatives can be identified with the use of this kind of data  (Michitaka Amioka et al., 2024).

NURS FPX 5003 Assessment 1: References 

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