NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 1 Curriculum Overview & Framework Analysis

NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 1



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Capella University

3rd April, 2024.

NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 1 : Curriculum Overview, Framework, and Analysis

This essay will examine the Capella University School of Nursing and Health Sciences in Minneapolis, Minnesota Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) curriculum. This course description will examine the program’s, structure, and accreditation. In addition, the essay will examine how the BSN program incorporates professional standards, norms, and competencies to equip graduates with the skills they need to succeed in the rapidly changing healthcare industry (Aster et al., 2024). A special emphasis will be on the program’s alignment with contemporary healthcare demands, as demonstrated by academic papers and industry studies, for example, the Institute of Medicine, and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.

Socioeconomic differences in healthcare use (HCU) have been identified as a continuing concern for nations that have implemented universal health coverage (UHC). However, it aims to eliminate financial hardship for healthcare consumers and offer equal access for equal needs. The reported variations seen even within systems are the subject of this systematic review, which looks at the individual, community, and systemic variables that include these variations. Designing interventions that can close the gap and guarantee that all individuals have fair access to healthcare services requires an understanding of these elements. What goals does the program have for its graduates? What delivery type is available, and how is the curriculum organized? Is the program approved by a reputable organization? Course descriptions and the school’s mission: What is the School of Nursing’s underlying philosophy, and which particular courses give students the skills and information they need?

The goal of Capella University’s BSN program is probably to produce graduates who can work in a variety of healthcare settings and with a wide range of patients, all while providing skilled and compassionate nursing care. Utilize evidence-based practice to provide patients with secure and efficient treatment. In complicated conditions, exercise critical thinking and make wise clinical decisions. Effectively lead and cooperate in healthcare teams. Promote the welfare and rights of patients. In addition, accept lifelong learning as a means of keeping up with the ever-changing field of healthcare. The BSN program is probably offered fully online because Capella University is well-known for its online learning environment.

For working individuals looking to further their nursing degree, this provides flexibility. The course may combine synchronous and asynchronous learning techniques: Students access course materials (readings, lectures, and assignments) on their own time and do tasks within the allotted time. Synchronous learning: Students engage in interactive conversations, case studies, and skill demonstrations with professors and fellow students during real-time online sessions. The curriculum should be created with graduates’ knowledge and abilities in mind so they may perform professional nursing. It might contain foundational classes in Physiology and Anatomy, pharmaceutical, pathophysiological understanding, Basics of Nursing, Nursing in Medicine and Surgery, Child-Maternal Nursing Public Health Nursing Mental Health Leadership in Nursing.

A nursing program’s accreditation is essential because it guarantees that it satisfies the requirements outlined in the curriculum for producing qualified nurses. Seek certification from an established organization, such as the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing. The mission statement of SONHS ought to offer valuable perspectives on the school’s ideology and dedication to training future nurses. Examining course descriptions might provide particular information on the subject matter and learning goals. These summaries will probably emphasize how each course advances the knowledge, competencies, and critical thinking skills of prospective nurses. You may have a thorough grasp of Capella University’s BSN program and how it fits with your academic objectives and professional aspirations in nursing by investigating these features  (I et al., 2024).

Selecting a Nursing Curriculum: Target Learner Population and Rationale

In contrast to conventional approaches, which entail educators producing materials and then sharing them, learner verification and rationale actively incorporate the intended audience at every stage of the process. Moreover, it guarantees that the messages are suited to their comprehension, requirements, and preferred methods of learning. It strives to produce instructional resources that are both actionable and instructive. This implies that they should encourage the intended audience to take up healthy habits, choose wisely, or become more conscious of a certain issue. For example, a research that was published in the journal Nature Medicine (2021) discovered that digital contact tracing applications that were created using principles reduced transmission rates by 30% when compared to apps that did not incorporate user input. This demonstrates how well crafts messages that are compelling and easy to understand.

The learning objectives and instructional message are defined by researchers. Additionally, they seek volunteers who represent the target population with a variety of backgrounds and traits. To learn about participants’ current knowledge, attitudes, and possible impediments connected to the issue, researchers interview or hold focus groups with them. Researchers create preliminary instructional materials (such as brochures, booklets, and website content) based on the data they have collected. After going over the drafts, participants offer comments on their clarity, comprehension, and cultural appropriateness. By doing this, possible misconceptions are avoided and the message is certain to resonate with the intended audience. Based on participant comments, researchers make repetitions to the materials to create a more efficient and user-friendly version. To determine if the final products are successful in reaching the intended learning objectives, a bigger sample size may be used for a pilot study. LVR raises the possibility that the target audience will pay attention to and retain the information delivered by actively engaging them and giving them a sense of ownership.

User feedback facilitates more effective communication by pointing out places where the message may be ambiguous or misleading. LVR makes sure the content respects cultural differences and stays away from words or images that can offend or irritate particular communities. Learning and behavioural modification are ultimately more successful when LVR takes into account the requirements and preferences of the user. However, A useful strategy for creating instructional materials that are not only instructive but also entertaining, culturally appropriate, and provide desired results is learner verification and modification. Throughout the process, learner verification and rationale incorporate user input to make sure the messages are understood by the intended audience and possess a bigger influence on fostering consciousness, health, and wise decision-making (Chavarria et al., 2021).

Developing Mission Statements and Course Descriptions for a Selected Curriculum

The program’s objective is to give students a solid foundation in nursing knowledge, useful skills, and critical competencies needed for successful practice as a professional. The probably includes a whole curriculum that covers topics like anatomy, pharmacology, pathophysiology, nursing principles, and a variety of specialized areas, such as paediatrics, medical-surgical, and mental health. The curriculum places a strong base on the effectiveness of making nursing decisions based on the most recent discoveries and scientific data. By ensuring that graduates can provide the most modern and efficient treatment possible, patient outcomes are improved.

The curriculum acknowledges that to provide patients from a variety of backgrounds with high-quality treatment, cultural sensitivity, and understanding are essential. Students who take courses on cultural competence get an understanding of how culture shapes health attitudes and behaviours. Effectively connected with patients from various cultural backgrounds. Respect patients’ values and preferences by providing treatment that is sensitive to cultural differences. The course emphasizes the ethical issues that are fundamental to nursing practice. Courses may include ethical frameworks and provide students with the tools they need to handle difficult moral decisions that come up when providing patient care. Capella University’s BSN program seeks to develop nurses who can provide top-quality, patient-centered care in a variety of healthcare settings by giving graduates a solid foundation in knowledge, skills techniques, and competencies and stressing technology, cultural competency, and ethical decision-making.

However, emphasis guarantees that graduates will be in a position to increase patient outcomes and make a significant contribution to the healthcare workforce. A foundational subject in nursing education, Health Assessment and Promotion gives students the tools they need to become comprehensive healthcare providers. This is a thorough summary of everything you will study. This fundamental element concentrates on enhancing your capacity to carry out an exhaustive assessment of a patient’s health state. You’ll probably pick up a variety of assessment methods, like as obtaining comprehensive data on the patient’s medical background, present symptoms, way of life, and family medical history. doing a methodical head-to-toe assessment to measure vital signs, spot anomalies, and check different bodily systems. Comprehending the emotional, social, and cultural context of the patient to deliver comprehensive treatment. You will leave the course with the ability to gather information from patients through interviews, physical examinations, and record reviews. You will gain knowledge on how to evaluate this data, spot possible health problems, and understand conclusions to guide clinical judgment. This is more than just a medical diagnosis.

You’ll learn about methods for encouraging wholesome habits and staving off illness. It could be necessary to learn about this. effectively educating patients on illness preventive strategies, healthy lifestyle options, and self-management skills. Knowing how to work with public health agencies and community outreach initiatives to promote health and well-being at the community level. acquiring knowledge to encourage patients to take up healthy behaviors and take care of long-term illnesses. In the healthcare industry, communication must be efficient and clear. You will get knowledge on how to modify patient education to fit the requirements and reading levels of each patient, making sure they are aware of their health issues, course of treatment, and preventative actions. Because it establishes the framework for your nursing profession, this course is essential. While establishing health promotion methods enables you to go beyond therapy and actively help patients towards a better lifestyle, mastering health assessment techniques enables you to obtain critical information about a patient’s health. Better health outcomes and preventative actions are promoted by this all-encompassing approach to patient care. After finishing this course, you will be well-prepared to conduct thorough health assessments, create strategies for successful health promotion, and confidently instruct patients, making you an invaluable member of the medical team.

It acquires a fundamental grasp of the nursing research process. Moreover, it entails investigating various research approaches (qualitative and quantitative), comprehending research ethics, and developing the ability to assess research papers critically. A 2020 study published in the Journal of Nursing Education discovered a connection between nurses’ decision-making and patient care and their good research literacy. It’s crucial to cultivate a critical eye for research. The course will improve students’ ability to evaluate research papers for validity, applicability, and methodological soundness. This gives one the ability to discern between reliable and reliable research and to make well-informed therapeutic judgments. It teaches us to evaluate, using research data, the efficacy of different nursing approaches. It enables you to apply study results practically at the bedside, eventually leading to better patient outcomes (Chen et al., 2023).

Exploring Professional Standards, Guidelines, and Competencies in a Selected Nursing Program

The global healthcare systems faced hitherto unheard-of difficulties as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic. Remarkable phenomena occurred in the Netherlands: hundreds of former nurses went back into the field to support the overworked labour force. The return of these seasoned professionals probably meant some major adjustment, but they also brought much-needed assistance. The purpose of this study is to shed light on the needs and experiences of these reentering nurses at this crucial period. Like many other nations, the Netherlands had a spike in COVID-19 cases that put pressure on its healthcare system. The ability of the healthcare profession to adjust and bounce back from crises is demonstrated by the return of former nurses.

The unique difficulties and support requirements of these reentering nurses are not well understood. The smooth cooperation of nurses, physicians, therapists, social workers, and other healthcare professionals is essential to the modern healthcare system. This training equips them to communicate with the members’ integrative interdisciplinary team efficiently, promoting a common understanding of the needs and objectives of the patient. Collaboratively coordinate care plans to guarantee a patient-centered approach. Recognize the many responsibilities and contributions that different medical professionals have to offer. According to a 2023 study that was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, patient safety, and hospital readmission rates are both lowered, and interprofessional collaboration is enhanced. It emphasizes how crucial these abilities are in the modern healthcare setting. Healthcare organizations always work to increase the effectiveness and calibre of treatment they provide. The training makes sure that the approach to providing care doesn’t just depend on custom. to Analyze research papers critically to determine their usefulness and validity.

Take the most recent research results and apply them to your nursing practice. Provide treatment that promotes the greatest possible results for patients by drawing on the most up-to-date scientific data. Studies indicate a robust association between the adoption of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and enhanced patient outcomes in diverse healthcare environments. In addition to this, Information systems, such as electronic health records, are vital to the healthcare industry. However,  course with the knowledge and abilities to use EHR systems competently for patient care documentation, information access, and efficient communication with other healthcare professionals. Observe HIPAA standards for managing and protecting patient health information. Utilize technology to streamline healthcare procedures and improve patient care delivery. However,  Capella’s BSN program prioritizes these qualities, preparing graduates to be flexible and productive nurses in the complicated healthcare environment of today. With these abilities, you can work well in teams, support efforts for quality improvement, provide treatment that is informed by the most recent research, and make appropriate use of technology. 

By investigating their experiences over a time of absence from the profession, this study seeks to close this knowledge gap which may result in skill gaps and knowledge upgrades. Returning to work amid a pandemic. Qualitative research approaches explore participant opinions and life experiences. A pragmatic approach places equal emphasis on academic knowledge and practical application. This guarantees that future approaches to successfully help re-entering nurses may be informed by the study’s findings. It is acknowledged under the interpretivist perspective that people create meaning via their experiences. The purpose of this study is to investigate how reentering nurses analyze and make meaning of their pandemic experiences.

The study covers a broad spectrum of healthcare contexts, such as intensive care units (ICUs), which are demanding situations that need specific knowledge to provide care for a vulnerable group that has been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. Rehabilitation facilities: Assisting individuals as they go toward healing. Recently formed COVID-19 units at assisted living facilities: adjusting to quickly formed groupings with distinct requirements. The study focuses on a deliberate sample of twenty nurses who returned to practice during the pandemic’s initial wave (Noorland et al., 2021).

Outlining Student Learning Outcomes in a Selected Nursing Program

The curriculum places a strong emphasis on the value of applying the most recent research results and the best available evidence to nursing practice. So, this guarantees that graduates provide care that is backed by solid scientific evidence in addition to their expertise and experience. The Journal of Advanced Nursing published a meta-analysis in 2021 that revealed a robust association between the adoption of Evidence-Based Practice and enhanced patient outcomes in diverse healthcare environments. This explains how well EBP works to help patients have better outcomes. The Standards of Practice, which explain nurse’s ethical and professional responsibilities, are established by the American Nurses Association, the country’s premier nursing association. This standard emphasizes how important EBP is to ensure that nurses provide safe, efficient, and patient-centered care. However, the program places a high emphasis on the capacity to assess and utilize research results to enhance patient care.

This guarantees that graduates base their practice on the most recent scientific data rather than relying just on tradition. Researchers showed that nurses who possess good research literacy abilities are more likely to apply evidence-based practices, which in turn improves patient outcomes. Students who complete the curriculum will be able to do thorough health evaluations. This makes it possible to identify people who can benefit from preventative care and to spot any health problems early on. In the US, chronic illnesses are the main cause of mortality and disability. The management of these disorders and the enhancement of general health outcomes depend heavily on early identification and preventative actions. Encouraging Well-Being and Health, The program’s primary objective is not treatment. Firstly, the program’s purpose is to provide graduates with the knowledge and abilities to support patients in adopting useful and good habits and illness-preventive techniques. The significance of training nurses who can “integrate population-based health promotion and disease prevention strategies into nursing education” is emphasized in the NLN’s Core Competencies for Nurse Educators. This demonstrates the increasing importance of preventative healthcare and the role that nurses play in encouraging healthy living. Communication is emphasized as a basic component of the ANA Code of Ethics (American Nurses Association, 2022). Building trust, understanding, and cooperation among healthcare teams, families, and patients is facilitated by effective communication.

In the end, this results in patient care that is safer and more efficient. Secondly, 2022 study that was published in the Journal of Nursing Management, enhanced adherence to treatment regimens and higher patient satisfaction are linked to nurses and patients having open and honest communication. Through attractive communication, the curriculum prepares students to develop relationships with patients and families. This entails providing clear explanations of healthcare information, actively listening, and adjusting communication techniques to meet the needs of each individual. (Yao et al., 2024).

Proposing a Process for Updating Healthcare Knowledge in a Selected Nursing Curriculum

Positive patient experiences and improved health outcomes are contingent upon strong connections between nurses and patients. Research shows that patients are more likely to be involved in their treatment and have better health outcomes when they believe that their nurses are listening to them and understanding them. Co-operation between nurses, physicians, therapists, and other healthcare workers is essential to modern healthcare. Students who complete the program will be able to collaborate in multidisciplinary teams and improve patient care by developing their communication abilities. In addition to guaranteeing patient safety and the best possible care delivery, healthcare workers must collaborate and communicate effectively, according to The Joint Commission International, a global leader in healthcare quality improvement.

The healthcare environment that nurses work in today is changing quickly, developing technology, and continuous struggle and research. Moreover, in 2021  research that was published in the Journal of Nursing Education, nurses must possess the best critical thinking qualities to make wise decisions, manage challenging clinical scenarios, and adjust to changing conditions. A postmodern curriculum places a strong emphasis on problem-solving and critical thinking, enabling graduates to become flexible long-time learners. Now, Postmodernism rejects the idea of pure knowledge and holds that knowledge is created from social and personal experiences. This corresponds to a variation in nursing education from merely imparting predetermined knowledge to creating a learning environment where students actively contribute to the creation of new knowledge. Case studies, problem-based learning techniques, and cooperative learning activities can all be a part of this. By acknowledging the diversity of learners’ origins, experiences, and viewpoints, a postmodern approach empowers students.

However, Incorporating learner-centered teaching strategies such as flipped classrooms, simulations, and online learning modules that accommodate different learning styles might help achieve this. Nursing education must be adaptive and flexible to prepare graduates for unanticipated obstacles, as the future of healthcare is unpredictable. Transferable abilities like critical thinking, communication, and teamwork are highlighted in postmodern curricula, preparing nurses for progress in a setting that is undergoing continual variation. Empirical evidence indicates that the efficacious execution of a postmodern curriculum is contingent upon educators’ capacity to enable learning and establish a captivating learning milieu. However, According to research published in Nurse Education Today, learner-centered teaching strategies were used more successfully when faculty development programs promoted these abilities. Higher levels of interest, engagement, and critical thinking abilities were noted by students in programs where faculty members had co-learning and facilitation training, according to a 2020 research published in the International Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. It might be difficult to go from a typical teacher-centered position to one of co-learner and facilitator.

Building nurse educators’ confidence and giving them the tools they need to succeed in their new roles requires offering professional development opportunities and continuing support. However, investing in professional development programs for nursing educators is an investment in the field’s future. We open the door for a more effective, future-focused, and engaging learning environment for nursing students by enabling educators to take on the roles of co-learners and facilitators. This will eventually equip nursing students to become the flexible, critical-thinking professionals that the healthcare system requires (Pere et al., 2023).

Illustrating Organizational Design and Theoretical Framework in a Selected Nursing Curriculum

A vivid image of the demanding nature of nursing is painted by research. According to research that was written in the International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, there is a lot of stress and emotional weariness experienced by novice nurses. This emphasizes the necessity of coping skills and approaches to deal with these difficulties. The medical field is always changing due to new developments in technology, treatment methods, and unforeseen circumstances. In addition, According to a 2020 research published in the Journal of Clinical Nursing, nurses who possess significant adaptability are better able to modify their strategies, handle unanticipated circumstances, and provide care in these changing conditions. Moreover, It is inevitable for novice nurses to face obstacles, moral conundrums, and emotionally draining circumstances.

However, in  2021 research published in Nurse Education Today, resilience aids young nurses in overcoming these obstacles, overcoming misfortune, and keeping a positive view of their line of work. Fundamentally, flexibility and resilience serve as new nurses’ armour, helping them to successfully handle stress, negotiate the complexity of the field, and eventually succeed in a challenging but fulfilling career. The accompanying halves of this manuscript will probably dive more deeply into how novice nurses comprehend and cultivate these essential qualities in the clinical setting. New nurses are exposed to a variety of patient groups, dynamic circumstances, and real-world events throughout clinical practice. Despite its challenges, this setting can foster flexibility. According to research that was published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing, novice nurses were more adaptable in supportive work environments where they had access to mentoring and skill development opportunities.

Rookie nurses aren’t the only ones who have to shoulder this burden. Strength and adjustment need to be modeled and reinforced by strong organizational leadership. matching up novice nurses with seasoned mentors who may offer advice and assistance. Providing training courses and workshops to foster the growth of coping, problem-solving, and critical thinking abilities. Fostering an environment of psychological safety, open communication, and teamwork where nurses feel free to ask for help when they need it and grow from mishaps. The emphasis on a person-centred approach to developing these traits in the text is correct. This adjusting, learning, and support program to each nurse’s unique requirements and background.

A more resilient nursing workforce is the result of successful leadership development programs that take into account each individual’s strengths and shortcomings. However, the ultimate objective is for nurses to apply their resilience and adaptability in a person-centred way. This translates to guaranteeing their patients’ well-being and cultivating excellent patient experiences by offering them tailored, flexible, and empathetic treatment. Cultivate a future nursing workforce that is resilient, adaptive, and well-equipped to provide great patient care by emphasizing a person-centred approach to development and by understanding the joint duty between new nurses and organizational leadership (Benti Terefe & Gemeda Gudeta, 2022).

Evolution of an Organizing Design and Theoretical Framework in Nursing

Firstly, the adoption stage focuses on how stakeholders, such as governmental organizations, neighbourhood associations, and maybe the commercial sector, first adopted and accepted three distinct coproduction techniques.  the study will examine how these coproduction models may be put into practice practically. However, Examining obstacles faced, solutions used to address them, and materials needed for effective execution may all be part of this. The last phase investigates how these coproduction strategies were incorporated into the frameworks and mechanisms currently in place for providing public services. Secondly, they either drastically alter the way services are provided or are modified to function inside previous structures.

The research focuses on coproduction projects including communities who are structurally disadvantaged. For these populations to successfully access and participate in public services, structural hurdles are frequently present. The following data emphasizes how crucial this emphasis the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs highlights the necessity of guaranteeing the involvement of disadvantaged populations in the decision-making procedures for public services. So, one viable way to do this is through co-production. However, coproduction programs may be especially empowering for marginalized groups by giving them more control over the services that directly affect their lives. This study can offer important insights for policymakers and practitioners working to implement and improve coproduction models in a way that empowers citizens and enhances public service delivery, particularly for those who need it most, by examining the coproduction journey with structurally vulnerable groups (Middleton et al., 2022).

Exploring Major Concepts of a Selected Organizing Design and Theoretical Framework in Nursing

Elaborate on the procedure that clinical nurses use to carry out medical orders, pinpoint any issues that may arise throughout this process, and come up with solutions. So,  as clinical nurses are legally responsible for the accurate execution of directions from medical professionals, carrying out medical orders is an essential duty for them. In addition to influencing the standard and security of healthcare services, the proper execution of these directives poses many difficulties that need to be carefully considered. Using a grounded theory methodology and a qualitative design, this study created a thorough theoretical framework based on the observations and experiences of Iranian hospital nurses. Twenty people participated in the study two nurse managers, two specialized physicians, and sixteen clinical nurses who worked in hospital settings.

To guarantee a range of viewpoints, calculated and theoretical sampling techniques were used in the selection process. However, A nationwide government for Bachelor of Science in Nursing programs is provided by the AACN’s Essentials. The basic capabilities, subject areas, and abilities that graduates of recognized BSN programs should be able to demonstrate are outlined in these Essentials. In addition,  Guaranteeing Excellence is  Nursing schools make sure their graduates have the foundation they need to succeed in the professional nursing industry by following the Essentials. This means that graduates will be ready to provide patients with safe, efficient, and evidence-based treatment. competent in leadership, teamwork, communication, and critical thinking. Skilled at negotiating the elaborateness of the contemporary healthcare landscape.

Nursing schools can use the Essentials as a guide for creating their BSN curricula. They make sure that the development of practical skills, liberal arts education, and foundational nursing knowledge are all balanced. Graduates of this well-rounded program are equipped to work as knowledgeable, flexible professionals in addition to skilled nurses. The Essentials are periodically reviewed and updated by the AACN to take into account the changing requirements of the nursing profession and the healthcare system. This guarantees that BSN programs stay current and give graduates the abilities and information required to prosper in a world that is always evolving. The AACN requirements are essentially the cornerstone of a high-quality BSN program.

Nursing schools make sure their graduates are ready for the rigours and hopes of a career in nursing by following this framework.  Palliative care professionals strive to improve patients’ level of comfort by managing pain, other symptoms, and therapeutic side effects. Emotional and Social Support: Palliative care frequently offers counselling and support groups to treat the emotional and psychological effects of disease on patients and their families. The care team may handle practical issues like financial support or transportation, or they may assist patients in making connections with social agencies. Palliative care supports patients’ spiritual beliefs while acknowledging the spiritual aspect of sickness. As a result of technological developments, digital media is becoming an increasingly useful instrument for palliative care teaching. Palliative care materials and alternatives may be easily accessed by patients, relatives, and even medical professionals through YouTube  (Etowa et al., 2024).

NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 1 Conclusion :

Online resources can be a useful tool for patients looking for information about their disease and treatment choices, according to research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. A variety of information may be found on YouTube, including instructional films that go over the principles and advantages of palliative care. testimonies from patients discussing their palliative care experiences. Firstly, Healthcare experts’ videos provide direction and assistance (I et al., 2024). YouTube has a global reach, a wide range of audiences may access material about palliative care in several languages. Even though YouTube may be a useful tool, it’s important to assess the reliability of the material that is provided. Palliative care professionals may be invaluable in pointing patients and their families in the direction of reliable resources on the platform.

Palliative care may benefit from the increased reach and expertise that digital media offers, as well as the potential to improve the quality of life for individuals with life-threatening illnesses. Students are not limited by the curriculum to a single nursing specialization. Graduates have the fundamental knowledge and abilities needed to succeed in a variety of healthcare environments. Hospitals, clinics, assisted living homes, long-term care homes, and more may fall under this category. Moreover, The curriculum is especially appropriate for people who want to advance in their nursing professions. Secondly, The program offers the required training and information for registered nurses who want to pursue careers in nursing as well as experienced nurses who want to hold leadership positions.

Capella University is aware of the challenges associated with juggling employment and school. For this reason, the program provides online courses, enabling learners to learn at their convenience and speed. Self-Paced Education is Crucial for The curriculum includes self-paced learning components to accommodate different learning styles. This implies that you can complete the education at a rate that fits together with your obligations and timetable. The program takes into account the reality of working as a nurse. Case studies and real-world events that are pertinent to modern nursing practice may be incorporated into the curriculum. Potentiality for Expertise is required Although the core curriculum offers a wide foundation, Capella University may give possibilities for you to specialize in nursing later on in your studies, giving you the flexibility to customize your education to fit your long-term professional objectives (Etowa et al., 2024).

NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 1 References :

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