NURS FPX 6618 Assessment 2

NURS FPX 6618 Assessment 2 Mobilizing Care for an Immigrant Population


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March 2024

NURS FPX 6618 Assessment 2

Mobilizing Care for an Immigrant Population

NURS FPX 6618 Assessment 2 This assessment develops a project strategy and organizational policy to meet Syrian refugees’ healthcare requirements in the US. Syrian refugees endure physical and mental health issues, linguistic obstacles, cultural differences, and trauma from conflict and displacement (Alwan et al., 2020). Healthcare providers must recognize and address these issues to ensure fair access to quality care. We can organize integrated care and improve health outcomes for Syrian refugees in the US by creating a project plan and strategy based on evidence-based practices and current healthcare policies.

The rationale for Addressing the Healthcare Needs of a Particular Immigrant Population

Addressing the healthcare needs of Syrian refugees is not only a matter of ethical responsibility but also essential for public health and social cohesion. The Syrian conflict has led to widespread physical injuries, mental health trauma, and chronic diseases among refugees, necessitating targeted healthcare interventions (Darawsheh et al., 2021). By focusing on the health needs of Syrian refugees, healthcare providers can mitigate the impact of trauma, prevent the spread of infectious diseases, and promote overall community well-being.

The selection criteria for prioritizing the healthcare needs of Syrian refugees are based on several factors. Firstly, the scale and severity of the Syrian conflict have resulted in a significant refugee population requiring immediate healthcare assistance. Secondly, the unique vulnerabilities of Syrian refugees, including trauma, malnutrition, and limited access to healthcare during displacement, underscore the urgency of addressing their healthcare needs. Thirdly, ethical considerations emphasize the duty to provide equitable healthcare to vulnerable populations, irrespective of their immigration status or background. Lastly, public health imperatives dictate that addressing the healthcare needs of Syrian refugees is essential for preventing disease outbreaks and promoting community resilience.

Assessing the Healthcare Needs

The healthcare needs of Syrian refugees in the United States are multifaceted and complex, requiring a comprehensive assessment to develop effective interventions. Utilizing the SWOT analysis model, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats associated with addressing their healthcare needs can be identified. Firstly, Syrian refugees often possess resilience and resourcefulness, which can be leveraged to facilitate their integration into the healthcare system. However, language barriers, cultural differences, and trauma-related mental health issues represent significant weaknesses that hinder access to care and treatment adherence. Opportunities exist to enhance collaboration between healthcare providers, community organizations, and refugee support networks to develop culturally sensitive healthcare services tailored to the needs of Syrian refugees (Yalim, 2020). Nonetheless, threats such as policy changes, funding constraints, and xenophobic attitudes may undermine efforts to provide equitable healthcare to this population.

Using the AI (Appreciative Inquiry) model, the positive aspects of Syrian refugees’ healthcare experiences can be explored. By acknowledging the strengths and successes of existing healthcare initiatives targeting Syrian refugees, such as culturally competent care delivery models and community-based support programs, more optimistic and proactive approach can be fostered (Cicek et al., 2023). Through collaborative partnerships and participatory engagement with Syrian refugee communities, healthcare providers can empower refugees to actively participate in their care, thereby enhancing treatment outcomes and promoting health equity.

Characteristics That Define the Population

The Syrian refugee population represents a diverse group with unique characteristics shaped by their experiences before, during, and after displacement. Many Syrian refugees have fled from a protracted and brutal civil war, experiencing trauma, loss, and displacement (Dromgold, 2020). Moreover, Syrian refugees often face challenges related to acculturation, language barriers, and cultural adjustment in their host country, which can impact their access to healthcare and social services (Dromgold, 2020).

Data on the Syrian refugee population indicate a significant need for humanitarian assistance and support. They are diverse in terms of age, gender, education level, and socioeconomic status, reflecting the complexity of the Syrian population (Fransen & Haas, 2021). While some Syrian refugees arrive with professional skills and education, others may have limited resources and face barriers to integration and self-sufficiency.

Ethical and legal policy development for the Syrian refugee population must consider their unique characteristics and needs while upholding principles of human rights, dignity, and equity. Additionally, policies should promote language access and cultural competency in healthcare and social services to overcome communication barriers and facilitate effective service delivery (Fabi et al., 2020). Legal frameworks should prioritize family reunification, protection from discrimination, and pathways to citizenship for Syrian refugees, promoting their rights and opportunities for integration and self-determination in their new homeland.

Identify the Organizations & Stakeholders

Healthcare providers, including primary care clinics, hospitals, mental health facilities, and community health centers, play a central role in delivering medical services to Syrian refugees. These organizations must have culturally competent staff who can address the unique healthcare needs of Syrian refugees, including trauma-related mental health issues, chronic diseases, and infectious diseases prevalent in refugee populations. Additionally, partnerships with interpreter services and cultural liaisons are essential to overcome language barriers and ensure effective communication between healthcare providers and Syrian refugees (Alwan et al., 2020).

Social service agencies and non-profit organizations are crucial partners in providing comprehensive support to Syrian refugees beyond healthcare. These organizations offer assistance with housing, employment, education, legal services, and social integration, addressing the broader social determinants of health affecting Syrian refugees. Collaborating with refugee resettlement agencies, immigrant advocacy groups, and cultural community centers enhances access to culturally appropriate resources and support networks for Syrian refugees, facilitating their integration into American society while promoting their health and well-being (Alwan et al., 2020).

Government agencies at the federal, state, and local levels play a significant role in shaping policies and allocating resources to support Syrian refugees’ healthcare needs. The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) coordinates refugee resettlement programs and provides funding to states and non-profit organizations for refugee assistance (Darawsheh et al., 2021). State health departments oversee public health initiatives and coordinate healthcare services for refugees, including immunizations, screenings, and infectious disease surveillance. Local health departments often collaborate with community-based organizations to deliver healthcare services tailored to the needs of Syrian refugees at the grassroots level, ensuring accessibility and cultural responsiveness.

Community-based organizations, faith-based groups, and grassroots initiatives are essential stakeholders in caring for Syrian refugees, as they provide culturally relevant services and support networks within the Syrian refugee community. These organizations offer language classes, cultural orientation programs, peer support groups, and community events that promote social cohesion and resilience among Syrian refugees (Darawsheh et al., 2021). By engaging Syrian refugees as active participants in their care and leveraging the strengths of their communities, these stakeholders contribute to the overall well-being and integration of Syrian refugees into American society.

Interpreting Current Organizational Policies for Healthcare Provision

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) requires hospitals with emergency rooms to screen and stabilize patients regardless of immigration status or capacity to pay (Nilsson & Jorgenson, 2021). This policy ensures that immigrants and refugees have access to emergency care when needed, contributing to the provision of essential healthcare services irrespective of legal status.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has also improved healthcare for immigrants and refugees. Lawfully present immigrants, including refugees and asylees, can enroll in health insurance markets and get premium tax credits and cost-sharing reductions under the ACA (Darawsheh et al., 2021). ACA marketplace coverage is not available to unauthorized immigrants, but emergency Medicaid is. This approach addresses the issues of undocumented immigrants and refugees while improving healthcare access for legal immigrants and refugees.

In the current environment, these policies remain relevant as they ensure access to essential healthcare services for immigrants and refugees, regardless of their immigration status. However, challenges persist in implementing and enforcing these policies, particularly concerning undocumented immigrants who may face barriers to accessing comprehensive care due to their legal status. 

Assumptions & Biases Associated

One assumption often made is that Syrian refugees may have limited education and health literacy due to their displacement and experiences of conflict. While this may be true for some individuals, it is not representative of the entire population. Assuming low health literacy can lead to ineffective communication strategies and misunderstandings about healthcare needs and services.

Biases related to cultural and linguistic differences can also impact access to care for Syrian refugees. For example, healthcare providers may hold stereotypes about Arab culture or assume that all Syrians adhere to the same cultural norms and beliefs. This can lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations of patients’ behaviors or preferences. Additionally, language barriers can further exacerbate access issues, with limited availability of interpreters or translated materials hindering effective communication between healthcare providers and refugees (Atari et al., 2021).

While cultural and linguistic differences do present challenges, assuming homogeneity within the Syrian refugee population overlooks the diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and healthcare needs. Addressing biases and assumptions requires culturally competent care that acknowledges and respects individual differences while providing appropriate language support and resources. Recognizing the resilience and strengths of Syrian refugees, rather than focusing solely on perceived deficits, is crucial for fostering trust, engagement, and effective healthcare delivery (Atari et al., 2021). 

Evaluating Two U.S. Health Care Policies

The 2010 Affordable Care Act expanded healthcare coverage and access for all Americans, including immigrants and refugees (Kerwin & Nicholson, 2021). Through Medicaid expansion and health insurance exchanges, the ACA gave many immigrants and refugees affordable health insurance coverage for preventive, primary, and specialty care.

In 1980, the Refugee Act established the US’ institutional refugee resettlement program to admit and assist refugees fleeing persecution or conflict in their home countries. This law allows refugees to get medical exams, vaccines, and primary care from federally financed refugee health programs in the US (Beers, 2020). These initiatives help refugees with trauma-related disorders, infectious infections, and mental health difficulties caused by displacement and trauma.

The implications of these policies for professional practice are significant. Healthcare providers need to be aware of the eligibility criteria and benefits available to immigrants and refugees under the ACA and the Refugee Act of 1980 to ensure equitable access to care. They must also recognize the diverse healthcare needs and experiences of immigrant and refugee populations and tailor their services accordingly. Culturally competent care, language assistance services, and trauma-informed approaches are essential for effectively addressing the complex health issues faced by immigrants and refugees. Additionally, healthcare providers must stay informed about changes to healthcare policies and legislation that may impact immigrant and refugee communities to advocate for their patients’ rights and well-being. 


To meet the special healthcare needs of Syrian refugees in the US, a project plan and organizational policy are needed. Recognizing cultural, linguistic, and social issues affecting access to care and using applicable healthcare policies and initiatives creates a more inclusive and equitable healthcare system. Collaboration with key stakeholders and care coordination best practices can improve Syrian refugees’ health and resilience.


Alwan, R. M., Schumacher, D. J., Cicek, S., Jernigan, S., Beydoun, A., Salem, T., & Vaughn, L. M. (2020). Beliefs, perceptions, and behaviors impacting healthcare utilization of Syrian refugee children. Plos One, 15(8), e0237081. 

Atari, R., Covington, A. H., Gerstein, L. H., Herz, H. al, Varner, B. R., Brasfield, C., Shurigar, B., Hinnenkamp, S. F., Devia, M., Barrera, S., & Deogracias-Schleich, A. (2021). Concepts of resilience among trauma-exposed Syrian refugees. The Counseling Psychologist, 49(2), 233–268. 

Beers, D. J. (2020). The end of resettlement? U.S. refugee policy in the age of trump. Social Sciences, 9(8), 129. 

Cicek, S., Jernigan, S., Beydoun, A., & Alwan, R. (2023). The perceived challenges of resettlement among Syrian refugees in the United States. Journal of Social Service Research, 1–17. 

Cratsley, K., Brooks, M. A., & Mackey, T. K. (2021). Refugee mental health, global health policy, and the Syrian crisis. Frontiers in Public Health, 9. 

Darawsheh, W. B., Tabbaa, S., Bewernitz, M., & Justiss, M. (2021). Resettlement experiences of Syrian refugees in the United States: policy challenges and directions. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 23. 

Dromgold, M. S. (2020). Forced migrants and secure belonging: A case study of Syrian refugees resettled in the United States. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1–20. 

Fabi, R., Serwer, D., Singh, N. S., Persad, G., Spiegel, P., & Rubenstein, L. (2020). Determining the number of refugees to be resettled in the United States: An ethical and policy analysis of policy-level stakeholder views. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 1–15. 

Fransen, S., & Haas, H. (2021). Trends and patterns of global refugee migration. Population and Development Review, 48(1). 

Kerwin, D., & Nicholson, M. (2021). Charting a course to rebuild and strengthen the US refugee admissions program (USRAP): Findings and recommendations from the center for migration studies refugee resettlement survey: 2020. Journal on Migration and Human Security, 9(1), 1–30. 

Nilsson, J. E., & Jorgenson, K. C. (2021). Refugees in resettlement: Processes, policies, and mental health in the United States. The Counseling Psychologist, 49(2), 178–195. 

Yalim, A. C. (2020). The impacts of contextual factors on psychosocial wellbeing of Syrian refugees: Findings from turkey and the United States. Journal of Social Service Research, 1–14.


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