NURS FPX 6618 Assessment 3

NURS FPX 6618 Assessment 3 Disaster Plan with Guidelines for Implementation


Capella University


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March 2024

NURS FPX 6618 Assessment 3

Assessment 3: Disaster Plan with Guidelines for Implementation: Tool Kit for the Team

Hello, in this presentation I will discuss the creation and implementation of a disaster preparedness project plan to protect our community during emergencies. As care coordinators, we must be ready for natural and man-made disasters. Clear protocols, roles, and responsibilities reduce care disruptions and enable stakeholder coordination. This presentation will outline the disaster preparedness plan’s essential components and educate our care coordination team to implement it, assuring our community’s resilience and readiness in the face of adversity.

Care Coordination Needs

Understanding individual and group problems and vulnerabilities is necessary to assess a community or population’s disaster care coordination needs. Disasters can damage healthcare, transportation, and communication infrastructure, limiting access to important services and resources. Disasters also worsen health and socioeconomic inequality, disproportionately harming marginalized people (Tippong et al., 2021). Thus, vulnerable populations including the elderly, low-income, and those with chronic health concerns must be identified and disaster preparedness programs tailored to their needs.

Disrupted communities can have long-term effects on physical and mental health. Disasters can cause injuries, illnesses, and psychological trauma, increasing healthcare needs. Disruptions in care coordination might delay medical treatment and interventions, worsening health outcomes and mortality (Tippong et al., 2021). Thus, disaster planning and care coordination are essential to minimizing disaster impacts on community health and well-being. 

Elements of a Disaster Preparedness Project Plan

  • Establish clear policies outlining roles, responsibilities, and procedures for disaster response and care coordination. These policies should address various scenarios and provide guidelines for decision-making during emergencies.
  • Develop communication protocols to ensure timely and effective communication among care coordination team members, healthcare facilities, emergency responders, and community organizations. Establish methods for disseminating critical information, such as emergency alerts, updates on available resources, and coordination efforts.
  • Identify and engage key stakeholders, including local government agencies, healthcare providers, community organizations, and residents, to collaborate on disaster preparedness and response efforts. Foster partnerships and build relationships to enhance coordination and resource-sharing during emergencies (Sultan et al., 2020).
  • Conduct assessments to identify available resources, such as medical supplies, equipment, personnel, and transportation assets. Develop plans for the allocation and distribution of resources based on community needs and the anticipated impact of the disaster.
  • Provide training and education to care coordination team members, healthcare professionals, volunteers, and community members on disaster preparedness, response protocols, and relevant skills and competencies. Ensure that individuals are adequately trained to fulfill their roles and responsibilities during emergencies.
  • Develop continuity of care plans to ensure the ongoing provision of essential healthcare services, including medical treatment, medication management, and mental health support, during and after a disaster. Establish protocols for patient triage, evacuation, and transfer to appropriate care facilities.
  • Implement mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the disaster preparedness tool kit and care coordination efforts. Solicit feedback from stakeholders, conduct post-disaster assessments, and identify areas for improvement to enhance future response capabilities.

Personnel & Material Resources in Emergencies

In an emergency situation requiring coordinated care, various personnel and material resources are essential to ensure effective response and assistance to the affected community or population. Personnel resources include first responders such as paramedics, emergency medical technicians (EMTs), physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals trained in disaster response and triage (Khorram, 2020). These individuals play critical roles in providing immediate medical care, conducting assessments, and coordinating patient transport to appropriate healthcare facilities. Additionally, administrative staff, logistics coordinators, and communication specialists are needed to manage operations, facilitate communication among response teams, and ensure the efficient allocation of resources.

Material resources required in an emergency situation encompass medical supplies, equipment, and facilities necessary for delivering healthcare services. This includes medications, medical instruments, diagnostic tools, personal protective equipment (PPE), and medical facilities equipped to handle various levels of patient acuity. Adequate stockpiles of essential supplies and equipment, such as ventilators, oxygen tanks, and trauma kits, are essential to meet the immediate healthcare needs of individuals affected by the disaster (Khorram, 2020). Furthermore, transportation resources, including ambulances, helicopters, and medical evacuation vehicles, are crucial for transporting patients to medical facilities and ensuring access to appropriate levels of care. While assumptions may be made about the availability of certain resources based on past experiences and standard protocols, uncertainties regarding the extent and severity of the emergency may necessitate flexibility and contingency planning to address unforeseen challenges and resource limitations.

Standards & Best Practice

To provide equitable and effective healthcare to all, ethical and culturally competent treatment must be protected in difficult situations like disasters. The Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) standards help healthcare organizations provide culturally competent treatment. The guidelines emphasize recognizing and respecting varied patient populations’ cultural beliefs, values, and customs and offering linguistic support to those with limited English proficiency (Khatri & Assefa, 2022). Healthcare practitioners can reduce communication obstacles, address cultural preferences, and customize care programs by incorporating CLAS standards into disaster response protocols.

Another best practice method for safeguarding ethical and culturally competent care in challenging circumstances involves engaging community stakeholders and leaders in the planning and decision-making process. By collaborating with community organizations, religious leaders, and cultural groups, healthcare providers can gain valuable insights into the cultural nuances and preferences of the affected population. This collaborative approach fosters trust, promotes cultural humility, and ensures that care delivery is sensitive to the values and beliefs of the community (Khatri & Assefa, 2022). Additionally, ongoing education and training for healthcare providers on cultural competence and disaster response protocols are essential to enhance awareness, sensitivity, and proficiency in addressing the diverse needs.

Interagency & Interprofessional Relationships

Interagency and interprofessional relationships play a critical role in facilitating coordinated care during a disaster by leveraging the expertise and resources of multiple organizations and professions. First responders including EMS, fire departments, and law enforcement organizations are often the first on the scene and triage and treat disaster victims. These agencies work closely together to ensure a swift and efficient response, with EMS providing medical assistance while fire and law enforcement secure the area and assist with evacuation if necessary (Goniewicz & Goniewicz, 2020). Additionally, collaboration with government agencies such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and local health departments helps coordinate broader disaster response efforts, including resource allocation, communication strategies, and public health initiatives.

Interprofessional collaboration among healthcare providers is equally essential for effective care coordination during a disaster. Physicians, nurses, paramedics, pharmacists, and social workers, among others, each bring unique skills and perspectives to the table, allowing for comprehensive and holistic care delivery (Goniewicz & Goniewicz, 2020). For example, physicians provide medical expertise and guidance on treatment protocols, while nurses offer direct patient care and coordinate with other healthcare professionals to ensure continuity of care. Pharmacists play a crucial role in medication management and supply chain logistics, ensuring that essential medications are available and properly administered. Social workers address psychosocial needs, such as counseling and support services, to help individuals and communities cope with the emotional impact of the disaster. 

Local, National, or International Regulatory Requirements

Disaster relief and coordinated care are governed by local, national, and international regulations. Emergency management strategies for disaster response and coordination are common in towns and regions. These plans may define agency and organization roles, communication routes, resource distribution, and evacuation protocols. Local regulations guarantee that coordinated care activities match community needs and resources, improving response effectiveness (Hung et al., 2021).

On a national level, regulatory bodies such as FEMA in the United States or similar agencies in other countries provide overarching guidelines and standards for disaster relief efforts (Hung et al., 2021). These regulations govern aspects such as funding allocation, resource distribution, training requirements, and coordination mechanisms between federal, state, and local agencies. Adherence to national regulatory requirements ensures consistency and uniformity in disaster response efforts across different regions, streamlining coordination and enhancing interoperability between agencies. Internationally, organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) establish guidelines and protocols for disaster response and relief efforts on a global scale (Hung et al., 2021).

Care Coordination Team

Firstly, the team should understand the overarching goals of the plan, which include ensuring the safety and well-being of the community or population during a disaster, minimizing disruptions to care delivery, and facilitating a coordinated response among all stakeholders. Each member should be familiar with their roles and responsibilities outlined in the plan, including communication protocols, resource allocation, and coordination with external agencies and organizations.

Specific actions outlined in the plan should be communicated along with their underlying rationale. Stockpiling essential supplies and equipment enables the team to respond promptly to emergent needs during a disaster, minimizing delays and ensuring continuity of care (Andreassen et al., 2020). Conducting regular training and drills helps prepare the team for various disaster scenarios, enhancing their readiness and response capabilities.

In anticipation of potential questions, objections, or resistance from team members, it is essential to address concerns proactively. Providing opportunities for open dialogue and clarification allows team members to voice their concerns and seek clarification on aspects of the plan that may be unclear or contentious. Emphasizing the importance of collaboration, flexibility, and adaptability reinforces the collective responsibility of the team in executing the plan effectively (Andreassen et al., 2020). 


By equipping our care coordination team with a comprehensive disaster preparedness toolkit and thorough understanding of its implementation, we are poised to navigate challenging circumstances and ensure the safety and well-being of our community or population during times of disaster. Through effective communication, collaboration, and adherence to best practices, we can mitigate the impact of disasters and provide ethical, culturally-competent care to those in need. 


Andreassen, N., Borch, O. J., & Sydnes, A. K. (2020). Information sharing and emergency response coordination. Safety Science, 130, 104895. 

Goniewicz, K., & Goniewicz, M. (2020). Disaster preparedness and professional competence among healthcare providers: Pilot study results. Sustainability, 12(12), 4931. 

Hung, K. K. C., Mashino, S., Chan, E. Y. Y., MacDermot, M. K., Balsari, S., Ciottone, G. R., Della Corte, F., Dell’Aringa, M. F., Egawa, S., Evio, B. D., Hart, A., Hu, H., Ishii, T., Ragazzoni, L., Sasaki, H., Walline, J. H., Wong, C. S., Bhattarai, H. K., Dalal, S., & Kayano, R. (2021). Health workforce development in health emergency and disaster risk management: The need for evidence-based recommendations. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(7), 3382. 

Khatri, R. B., & Assefa, Y. (2022). Access to health services among culturally and linguistically diverse populations in the Australian universal health care system: Issues and challenges. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 1–14. 

Khorram, A. (2020). Flexible surge capacity – public health, public education, and disaster management. Health Promotion Perspectives, 10(3), 175–179. 

Sultan, M. A. S., Løwe, J., Carlström, E., Mortelmans, L., & Khorram, A. (2020). Emergency healthcare providers’ perceptions of preparedness and willingness to work during disasters and public health emergencies. Healthcare, 8(4), 442. 

Tippong, D., Petrovic, S., & Akbari, V. (2021). A review of applications of operational research in healthcare coordination in disaster management. European Journal of Operational Research.

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