NURS FPX 9901 Assessment 3 Doctoral Project Implementation Plan


Capella university 

NURS-FPX 9901: Doctoral Project Implementation Plan

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October, 2024

Doctoral Project Implementation Plan

For the nursing staff working with in-patient patients who have a diagnosis of COPD (P), through what nutritional interventions paired with the use of telehealth (I), relative to usual care and current practices, are the effects on the lung function values and decrease rate of hospital readmission (O), over a ten-week time frame (T)?

Targeted staff education about nutritional modifications specific to COPD patients, with diet in COPD management and appropriate lung health care (Baker & Fatoye, 2019). In addition, telehealth interventions will be carried out for the monitoring and follow-up care of COPD patients to improve early detection and timely management. It will also improve lung function while reducing readmission possibilities through continued support offered by telehealth in contrast to the more traditional approaches which may not address individualized nutrition and remote care.

Data to be measured include the changes over ten weeks in lung function values like FEV1 and readmission rates before and after the introduction of these interventions (Xu et al., 2024). Data shall also be collected from the pre-assessment and post-assessment of patients, patient records, and usage metrics of telehealth so that the effectiveness of the project is evaluated in minute detail and further improvements are directed toward the care of patients diagnosed with COPD.

Project Description 

This project is focused on enhancing the knowledge of staff regarding nutrition-related modifications. It will make use of telehealth interventions for better management of patients admitted with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (Coman et al., 2024). The main concern within current practice arises from poor knowledge of healthcare staff about what constitutes good dietetics strategies and telehealth resources, which in some way prove to be dangerous as such interventions are rapidly implemented and comprehensive care delivered to the patient. These concepts will form the goal in the hopes of lowering readmission rates for patients with COPD by ensuring proper lung function. Staff members will be educated and empowered with the skills to create diet changes that work to improve lung health while using telehealth services for continued support and follow-up on the patients.

This project aims at the healthcare professionals directly responsible for in-patients with the diagnosis of COPD. The project will emphasize the incorporation of nutritional education and, in turn, telehealth interventions. Nutritional interventions would involve tailored diets, supplementation with specific nutrients, and education on the best food to intake for respiratory health  (Gan et al., 2022). Telehealth services would enable the means of active communication and engagement with patients for virtual consultations and remote monitoring, which would allow healthcare providers to address needs right away. These concerted efforts are expected to yield more integrated and holistic care that encourages active patient engagement, thereby leading to improved health outcomes.

The two measurable project outcomes are an improvement in the lung function of COPD patients and reduced hospital readmissions of COPD patients. Lung function will be measured objectively by spirometry tests, which are tests used to measure the lung capacity and efficiency of a patient (Bollmeier & Hartmann, 2020). Monitoring readmission rates will be achieved through patient follow-up after initial care, calculating the number of visits to the hospital. The success of the project will be evaluated when patient results that are receiving nutritional and telehealth intervention will be compared to results of standard care care over a specific period, ten weeks apart.

For the attainment of staff education, a preliminary needs assessment will be held about any ignorance that exists about nutrition and how it impacts the management of COPD. It will use surveys and interviews to gather information from diverse professionals regarding the specific views of the staff along with educational needs. This, based on the outcomes, will help in forming a focused education curriculum including necessary topics about nutrition and COPD management (Poureslami et al., 2020). This curriculum would be held in a participatory way, where participants are exposed to practical skills and knowledge delivered by experts in the field, which can be applied directly to patient care.

The second, important component of the project is the training of employees about nutrition and preparing them for the skills required in the use of telehealth technologies (Paterson et al., 2020). Training sessions would be conducted primarily on telehealth, considering all aspects from a general point of view including video conferencing tools and remote monitoring equipment, and best practices regarding virtual consultations. The improvement in the skills of the staff members should contribute to a more efficient environment of care for patients to be assisted timely and continuously in a manner that will minimize the chances of re-readmission.

It will use a Quality Improvement/Performance Improvement (QI/PI) framework to inform the assessment and improvement of its processes. Data collection will be based on lung function metrics, readmission rates, and assessment of knowledge to examine an educational initiative. The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle will be used to critically evaluate the implementation of interventions and results (Basso et al., 2023). With such an approach, the project will always receive constant feedback and adjustments for the project to stay the course of its desired objectives.

Ultimately, this project aims to demonstrate the effects of nutritional education and telehealth interventions in the handling of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients (Aranburu et al., 2022). By showcasing these approaches with patient outcome review, the project hopes to offer support for the evidence of its effectiveness as compared to standard procedures. Its successful implementation may unlock other avenues of improvement toward better chronic disease care, promulgating a more proactive approach toward patient care emphasizing education as well as technology.

Objective(s)Key Action Step(s) Expected Outcome(s)Data Measurement(s)Responsible Person/Area
1. The staff is to be trained on nutritional interventions applicable in the management of patients with COPD.The needs assessment should be carried out to identify the weaknesses of the knowledge of employees by conducting surveys and interviews with different staff members.Develop an overall educational curriculum to bridge these gaps.Nutrition sessions with the nutrition experts: Sessions would be trained interactively by conducting workshops and case studies with the nutrition experts.

Improvement of the knowledge of the nutritional roles of members of staff will eventually lead to improvement in the conditions of the patients.The confidence level of the workforce about dietary advice and nutritional strategies.Pre and post-training surveys are conducted to compare the knowledge of the trainees before and after the training.These can be used as knowledge assessment scores to measure how much one understands key concepts.Education Coordinator, Nutritionist
2. Implement telehealth interventions for better monitoring of the patients.Include training for the telehealth technology and platforms, commonly referred to as software for virtual consultation, as well as monitoring tools.Demonstrations of telehealth workflows will be conducted for the staff; it will make them aware of the procedures in place.Provide the use of mock patients for practical hands-on practice sessions that build confidence in the usage of telehealth tools.This means professional service delivery from the staff through the use of telehealth tools, thereby making virtual consultations more seamless.- Increased engagement from patients and overall patient satisfaction in self-directed remote care services.– Staff Competency Assessments: These are assessments that evaluate the competency of staff in telehealth technologies.- Patient feedback surveys on their experience with telehealth services.IT Department, Telehealth Coordinator
3. Improve lung function metrics in COPD patients.Nutritional interventions implemented for patients with assessments tailored to the individual can enhance the potential outcome in health.These would then be supplemented by periodic spirometric measurements of lung function.By telehealth follow-up, the same patient should be monitored at regular intervals to judge the patient’s improvement. Adherence to dietary recommendations should also be observed.

Spirometry scores improved over time which means that the patient`s lung function improved over time.This leads to reduced symptom severity reported by the patients, thus an enhanced quality of life.Spirometry testing is carried out throughout the project duration to record the changes in lung function.This may include patient-reported outcomes, such as scores from COPD assessment tests that can be carried out to track changes in symptoms.Respiratory Therapist, Nursing Staff
4. Reduce hospital readmission rates among COPD patients.Identify high-risk patients through a good review of medical histories and assessment and have interventions suitable for them.Rehearsal and reinforcement of self-management strategies will be supported by scheduling follow-up telehealth appointments before the patient is discharged.- Educate them on COPD management at home, including self-monitoring techniques and emergency contact.-Low readmission rate for COPD patients within 30 days after being discharged.This would lead to better self-management skills among patients and more confidence in handling their condition.This would include the rate of readmission within 30 days after discharge as an indicator of the efficacy of interventions.• Patient knowledge pre- and post-intervention in the treatment of COPD.Case Manager, Nursing Staff
5. Provide a continuous feedback and review process.– Utilize the PDSA cycle, or Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle, to constantly evaluate projects and ultimately systematically assess the effect of interventions.Review data often and revisit intervention strategies if necessary, relative to their performance metrics and feedback.Hold staff meetings to deliberate on findings, successes, and areas for improvement to foster a culture of continuous learning.Project adaptability and responsiveness to challenges that may occur during implementation are improved upon.- Sustained improvements in staff performance and patient outcomes, leading to higher quality care.Project adaptability and responsiveness to challenges that may occur during implementation are improved upon.- Sustained improvements in staff performance and patient outcomes, leading to higher quality care.Project Manager, Quality Improvement Team

NURS FPX 9901 Assessment 3 Conclusion

This project aims to enhance the care of patients with COPD by providing staff with the necessary information and tools they need to support effective nutritional and telehealth interventions (Lee et al., 2022). Focusing on the improvement of lung function and readmission rates tends to focus on the most pertinent areas of patient management where staff education and the assimilation of technology are most pertinent. Such structured training programs and continuity of regular feedback mechanisms support the people so that they may use these interventions appropriately and lead to good patient outcomes coupled with efficient care delivery in the long term.

NURS FPX 9901 Assessment 3 References

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