NURS FPX 9902 Assessment 3 Literature Synthesis


Capella university 

NURS-FPX 9902 Nursing Doctoral Project 2 

Prof. Name 

October, 2024

Literature Synthesis 

This review provides a detailed investigation of the search strategy and approaches employed by the PhD researcher while selecting the appropriate literature to be included in the synthesis. The primary objective is to make it possible for the synthesis of literature at the end of the literature gathering that will be done in the process of research.

The doctoral learner made a systematic literature search by broadening comprehensive searches on databases recognized at the level of academia, such as PubMed, Google Scholar, and Scopus. It employed a strategy based on keyword and phrase selection on terms related to the issue to attempt to refine the retrieval of pertinent articles (DeMars & Perruso, 2022). Criteria for inclusion and exclusion were drafted to help sieve the findings, taking priority to peer-reviewed articles less than five years old.

Interrelationships within the chosen sources were considered to be important with thematic categorization based on common research questions. Some studies shared a convergence in the results concerning better accuracy and productivity in diagnosis when assuming the effect of AI on patient safety, while others diverted through differences in methodologies: some resorted to quantitative-based surveys, while others would apply qualitative interviews as part of its methodology, thereby representing different points of view in the implementation of AI within clinical practice  (Lee & Yoon, 2021).

In synthesis, clear commonalities were noted regarding overall research objectives: improvements in healthcare delivery and outcomes for patients  (Parreira et al., 2021). There were differences in how findings applied to the contexts of such studies: healthcare systems vary and so do cultural considerations. This subtle nuance in knowing literature will serve as a foundation guiding subsequent doctoral work, whereby refinement of the perspective on the topic can be achieved.

Search Strategy 

To systematically and comprehensively collect relevant literature, this research followed a multiple-stage search strategy. It began by putting clear inclusion and exclusion criteria for guiding the choice process at the outset. Criteria were set such that articles selected for this paper were published in peer-reviewed journals within the last five years. Specific keywords and phrases related to the research topic included Artificial Intelligence in healthcare, patient safety, and clinical decision-making (Ng et al., 2021). I cross-checked using Boolean operators such as AND, OR, and NOT with various academic databases like PubMed, Google Scholar, and Scopus, which all yielded hundreds of articles. I then filtered the articles based on their abstracts and keywords.

To make the literature search more robust, the snowball sampling technique was also applied. A snowball sampling technique involves looking through the bibliographies of key articles identified in the first search to uncover other studies that might have slipped through the net in the original search. Additionally, citation tracking was applied to track newer articles that were citing the foundational studies. A log of the articles of record was created using a spreadsheet, which ensured that the records had been cataloged with authors, publication year, methodology, and/or key findings. This organized process facilitated the easy extraction of common themes and literature gaps. It also enabled the synthesis of findings within a rich and multidisciplinary body of work.

Synthesis of the Literature 

COPD Readmissions 

COPD is a chronic inflammatory disease of the lungs, which is responsible for a large contribution to the mortal pool around the world  (Tahery et al., 2021). As part of the mitigation effort, initiatives such as NHLBI’s Learn More, Breathe Better seek to reduce hospital readmissions linked to COPD. There is also the Hospital Readmission Reduction Program established by the CMS that addresses some of the economic costs involved in frequent hospitalization. There has been research carried out through randomized controlled trials, cohort studies, and systematic reviews that aim to find effective ways to reduce COPD readmissions. The approaches include personalized action plans, telephonic follow-up, and predictive modeling. These approaches have proven promising in the enhancement of patient management and reducing the chances of readmissions, leading to better outcomes for patients and quality of care.


Self-care is important for patients with COPD, considering the risk factors that have led to the disease, such as smoking and exposure to environmental irritants. Socioeconomic factors should also be assessed because they will influence a patient’s ability to manage health effectively, and this continues to be in line with recommendations for maintaining controlled COPD and preventing acute exacerbations. Education is the backbone of self-management, and it should focus on smoking cessation, symptom awareness, and proper inhaler use (Sassen, 2023). From reviews and available randomized controlled trials, it has been indicated that educational strategies have to be tailored according to individual patients’ need. Using several evidence-based approaches, the healthcare provider could activate a person in charge of his or her health with significantly positive outcomes leading to improved quality of life.

Teach-Back Method 

The teach-back method is one of the most important ways of educating a patient who has been diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease  (Zhang et al., 2023). It is a way of developing self-management skills and, therefore reducing readmission rates. Indeed, some evidence suggests that educating healthcare professionals in the use of effective teaching practices is an essential requirement; one of the main ways in which this can be achieved is by ascertaining the readiness to learn of the patient. The education framework for these cases can therefore be broad, including electronic learning tools, national action plans, and continuous training for the healthcare professionals involved. This method has been proven to significantly enhance the comprehension of a patient and the retention of information related to the health outcome. Interactive communication in itself enhances the knowledge of the patient, and through that empowerment, the individual acquires the capability to manage himself better, thus leading to a reduction in the rate of hospitalization.

NURS FPX 9902 Assessment 3 Conclusion 

To sum it up, the management of COPD has to be holistic to limit the occurrence of readmissions, embracing education, self-care, and the development of targeted strategies. These include the Learn More, Breathe Better campaign and also the Hospital Readmission Reduction Program. For instance, techniques such as teach-back enhance the knowledge and involvement of the patient and hence the self-management skills  (Ahmadidarrehsima et al., 2019). All these together tailoring education to the individual, addressing socio-economic determinants, and using technology can empower patients, enhance their quality of life, and lead to large reductions in hospitalization, thus creating a more effective system of healthcare for those with COPD.

NURS FPX 9902 Assessment 3 References

Ahmadidarrehsima, S., Bidmeshki, E. A., Rahnama, M., Babaei, K., Afshari, M., & Khandani, B. kalantari. (2019). The effect of self-management education by the teach-back method on uncertainty of patients with breast cancer: a quasi-experimental study. Journal of Cancer Education, 35(2), 366–372.

DeMars, M. M., & Perruso, C. (2022). MeSH and text-word search strategies: precision, recall, and their implications for library instruction. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 110(1).

Lee, D., & Yoon, S. N. (2021). Application of artificial intelligence-based technologies in the healthcare industry: opportunities and challenges. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(1), 271. mdpi.

Ng, Z. Q. P., Ling, L. Y. J., Chew, H. S. J., & Lau, Y. (2021). The role of artificial intelligence in enhancing clinical nursing care: A scoping review. Journal of Nursing Management, 30(8).

Parreira, P., Santos-Costa, P., Neri, M., Marques, A., Queirós, P., & Salgueiro-Oliveira, A. (2021). Work methods for nursing care delivery. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(4), 2088.

Sassen, B. (2023). Nursing: health education and improving patient self-management. in Springer ebooks. Springer Nature.

‌Tahery, N., Zarea, K., Cheraghi, M., Hatamzadeh, N., Farhadi, M., Dobaradarn, S., & Mohammadi, M. J. (2021). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and air pollution: a review. Jundishapur Journal of Chronic Disease Care, 10(1).

Zhang, X., Nie, J., Liu, L., & Li, Y. (2023). Study on the application effects of the teach-back method combined with WeChat tutorials on chronic disease self-management in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 7(10), 120–127.

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