NURS FPX 6109 Assessment 1 Educational Technology Assessment Needs

NURS FPX 6109 Assessment 1


Capella University


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16 March 2024

NURS FPX 6109 Assessment 1: Educational Technology Assessment Needs

This updated study expands on the original evaluation by delving more into the particular requirements of the University of Michigan School of Nursing (UMSON) in relation to instructional technology to enhance diabetes control in settings of remote care. Although UMSN uses simulation well for basic clinical skills, there is a lack of technology knowledge and resources for nurses to properly treat Type 2 diabetes remotely. The goal of the present evaluation is to determine what technological advancements are necessary to improve nurses’ education and training in this field. Uncertainty surrounds the extent of UMSON’s usage of e-learning modules, Epic software for communication, and simulation equipment in the treatment of diabetes.

The underutilization of Epic’s features for remote diabetic care, the lack of emphasis on remote care technology in simulations, and the unpredictability of using e-learning modules for this particular purpose are some of the limitations. The requirements assessment finds that developing specialized skills for managing diabetes remotely is necessary. It also suggests integrating current technologies, such as Epic and e-learning courses, and maybe introducing new technologies, such as telehealth platforms or remote monitoring equipment.

The curriculum should be improved with targeted e-learning modules, educators and staff should receive focused training on using Epic’s features for remote diabetes care, simulation scenarios should be expanded to include remote interactions and data analysis, and new technology integration should be investigated. It will be essential to evaluate using patient outcomes monitoring, surveying students, and tracking their academic success. With its ultimate goal of enhancing nursing care, expanding access to high-quality care, and developing a more technologically sophisticated School of Nursing, this program is a natural fit with UMSN’s emphasis on remote care and cutting-edge technology(Harvey et al., 2022).


NURS FPX 6109 Assessment 1: How Nurses Currently Use Educational Technology 


To enhance nursing education, the University of Michigan School of Nursing (UMSON) makes use of a variety of instructional technology. A key component of their methodology is simulation technology, which offers a realistic setting in which students may practice procedures, come across a variety of situations, and make crucial choices in a secure and regulated setting, ultimately developing fundamental clinical skills (Yoon et al., 2022). Furthermore, UMSN uses Epic, a feature-rich electronic health record (EHR) system, to help student nurses and patients communicate. In addition to helping students gain the communication skills necessary for efficient care delivery, this promotes realistic patient encounters (Mason et al., 2022). It’s unclear, however, how much of these technologies are now being utilized to educate people about diabetes control. Although e-learning modules are mentioned, it is unclear what they cover specifically and how they fit into the diabetic curriculum.

NURS FPX 6109 Assessment 1 

The usefulness and present usage of e-learning modules need to be further investigated, especially in relation to how well they cover data analysis relevant to diabetes care and remote patient engagement. This might include giving people access to networking opportunities, mentoring schemes, and discussion boards. Graduates should also get regular feedback to make sure they stay current on the most recent advancements in diabetes treatment. In addition, surveys must to be carried out on a regular basis to evaluate how well the e-learning modules are working. The modules may then be improved using this data to make sure they are fulfilling the demands of the target audience. Lastly, alumni have to be able to provide their opinions on how successful the program was. Utilizing this input will help to pinpoint areas that need work and confirm that the program is accomplishing its objectives.

Comparing The Current State With The Desired State In Educational Technology


UMSN’s instructional technology should enable nurses to efficiently treat Type 2 diabetes in remote care settings by providing them with the necessary skills and information. There can be differences between the existing situation and the intended result, however. Although UMSN uses simulation to teach broad clinical skills, it may not be able to sufficiently address the particular difficulties associated with distant patient engagement and diabetes management-specific data processing. Furthermore, it is possible that UMSN is not fully leveraging the features of the Epic software, especially those that are relevant to remote diabetes treatment, such as patient communication tools, data integration, and monitoring tools (Harvey et al., 2022).

Furthermore, it’s uncertain how much of the information and abilities related to remote diabetes management are included in the current e-learning programs. These possible gaps show how important it is to assess instructional technologies more thoroughly and strategically in order to guarantee that UMSN graduates are properly equipped to handle the unique challenges of treating Type 2 diabetes in remote care settings. This might include creating specially designed online courses and offering extra materials to help with diabetes care from a distance. Making ensuring graduates have access to continuing professional development and assistance throughout their employment is also crucial. All parties involved in the program—students and teachers included—should be informed of the survey findings so that everyone is aware of its status. The input should also be taken into consideration when making choices concerning the program in the future.

To determine how successful these treatments are, they should be tracked and assessed. It is vital to guarantee that the interventions are obtainable to all healthcare practitioners, irrespective of their geographical location or situation.

Assessing Metrics Used to Evaluate Current Educational Technology

Although UMSN presently uses instructional technology to teach diabetes care, it is not apparent what precise measures are employed to evaluate the system’s efficacy. Here are some possible measures to take into account: monitoring student success on tests and in-person simulations created to teach remote diabetes care techniques. Furthermore, it would be beneficial to gather information via surveys measuring teacher and student satisfaction with the use of technology for this purpose. In the end, evaluating patient outcomes for Type 2 diabetes patients under remote management after the implementation of novel instructional technology tools helps determine the genuine effect.

A more complete picture would be obtained by investigating other measures such as telehealth communication, remote data analysis skills tests, and prescription modifications tailored to diabetes control. Lastly, monitoring how confidently students manage their diabetes remotely after using new technologies may help identify the psychological effects of these teaching aids. Combining these measurements will let UMSN better understand how successful its present teaching technology is and pinpoint areas that need to be improved. It’s crucial to take the interventions’ sustainability and cost into account. Lastly, to make sure the treatments are still applicable and successful, they should be routinely updated and evaluated.

When evaluating the efficacy of the treatments, UMSN should also take into account the input provided by staff, students, and other stakeholders. To make sure the treatments are accomplishing the intended aims and objectives, they should also be regularly assessed. In addition, UMSN needs to evaluate the results of its initiatives and their future ramifications. Lastly, UMSN has to think about any unforeseen repercussions of its activities.

Aligning New/Existing Technologies with UMSN’s Mission


The effort to provide nurses with the knowledge and tools necessary for efficient remote diabetes treatment is a natural match with UMSN’s purpose, which places a high priority on both remote care and cutting-edge technology. This alignment has the potential to greatly enhance a number of sectors. First off, patient outcomes may be much improved if nurses were given the tools they need to remotely treat diabetes. Effective remote care has been linked to improved blood sugar regulation and fewer problems for diabetes patients, according to studies (Minty et al., 2022). Second, patients who may ordinarily find it difficult to obtain specialist diabetic treatment might now have greater access to it thanks to remote care technology that can overcome mobility and geographic constraints. This guarantees that a larger spectrum of patients may benefit from appropriate diabetes care and promotes greater inclusion.

Lastly, UMSN is at the forefront of educational innovation thanks to the use of new technology in the nursing curriculum. This guarantees that graduates have the skills necessary to succeed in a world where remote care is becoming more and more crucial, and it also prepares them for the constantly changing healthcare scene. In conclusion, this project not only exemplifies UMSN’s dedication to innovation and enhancing patient care via technology, but it also completely corresponds with the institution’s goal. By attracting and keeping the greatest nursing professionals, this program will also help UMSN maintain its position as a leader in nursing education.

It will also provide them with a competitive edge in the nursing employment market. This program will also assist UMSN in maintaining its competitive edge and standing as a pioneer in the nursing field. Lastly, it will provide students with useful experience with cutting-edge technology that they can take with them into their future employment.

Recommendations for Improving Nursing Education with Technology

A number of technology-focused suggestions may be put into practice to meet the issues that have been identified and improve nurse education for remote diabetes treatment. First and foremost, it is essential to improve the curriculum by creating or updating e-learning courses that are specially designed for remote diabetes care. In order to successfully engage students, these programs should contain real-world situations experienced in remote care settings, including case studies, interactive features, and simulations (Minty et al., 2022). Second, specific training on using Epic features for remote diabetes care is required for educators and staff. According to (Harvey et al. 2022) the training program needs to concentrate on data analysis tools, encrypted messaging for communication, and functions that provide remote patient progress tracking.

In addition, broadening the range of simulation scenarios to include remote patient interactions, diabetes management-specific data analysis (such as blood glucose trends), and telehealth communication strategies would enable students to hone these vital abilities in a secure setting prior to applying them in actual circumstances. Lastly, there is a lot of promise in investigating and testing the integration of pertinent new technologies, such as telehealth platforms or remote blood glucose monitoring devices. Real-time data and more frequent patient engagement are made possible by these technologies, which may eventually result in better care coordination and more informed drug modifications (Mason et al., 2022). Through the implementation of this combination of guidelines, UMSN may improve graduates’ readiness to treat Type 2 diabetes in remote care settings.


Evidence Supporting Use of Technology for Learning Assessment


Numerous studies demonstrate how well-suited both new and old educational technology are for monitoring and evaluating nursing students’ learning progress. For example, well-crafted e-learning modules may be effective instruments for assessing the development of information and skills (Yoon et al., 2022). These lessons provide students with instant feedback and identify areas where they may need further help by using interactive components like quizzes and case studies. A further helpful evaluation tool is provided by simulation technology.

Research conducted by (Leckenby et al.,2021) indicates that simulation-based evaluations are a useful tool for assessing a nurse’s capacity to use acquired knowledge and abilities in an authentic clinical context. Compared to standard written tests, this method offers a more thorough review and reveals possible difficulties with critical thinking and decision-making under pressure. By facilitating remote skill evaluations, telehealth systems provide even more assessment options (Mason et al., 2022). This makes it possible to evaluate communication skills and the capacity for remote patient consultation, providing more flexibility and accessibility. When used properly, these technologies may provide a more dynamic and comprehensive way to evaluate students’ learning progress in nursing school.

Strategic Alignment of Technology with UMSN’s Mission

The purpose of UMSN is perfectly aligned with the strategic integration of technology for remote diabetes management education on many fronts. First off, there’s a chance that improving patient outcomes may be greatly increased by providing nurses with the abilities and information needed to remotely treat Type 2 diabetes. This directly supports UMSN’s steadfast dedication to providing high-quality healthcare. Second, UMSN shows that it is committed to being at the forefront of nursing education by using cutting-edge and novel instructional tools. As a result, the school is positioned to be a leader in supplying its graduates with the necessary skills to succeed in a world where remote care is becoming more and more crucial in the constantly changing healthcare environment. Finally, UMSN can better meet the requirements of the community, especially those in disadvantaged regions, by expanding access to specialist diabetes treatment via the use of remote technology. Their goal of advancing the health and well-being of the community is directly supported by this. UMSN’s commitment to its purpose is shown by the adoption of these technological innovations, which equip its graduates to provide diabetic patients with high-quality treatment wherever they may be.

NURS FPX 6109 Assessment 1 Conclusion:

The results of this thorough evaluation have shown that UMSN’s instructional technology has to be improved in order to better prepare nurses to treat Type 2 diabetes in remote care settings—a rapidly expanding sector of healthcare delivery (Minty et al., 2022). UMSN may greatly enhance the preparation of its graduates by putting into practice a multimodal strategy that involves focused curriculum creation, faculty training on using technology for remote care and investigating the integration of pertinent new technologies. In the end, this will result in a triple win: better patient outcomes from more efficient remote diabetes management; more access to high-quality care for patients who are confined to a remote location or have limited mobility; and a more technologically sophisticated School of Nursing that establishes UMSN as a pioneer in cutting-edge nursing education. UMSN can guarantee that its graduates are ready to succeed in the rapidly changing healthcare environment, where remote care is becoming more and more crucial, by providing them with the required training and technology fluency(Unal & Teskereci, 2022).


NURS FPX 6109 Assessment 1  References:


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