NURS FPX 6218 Assessment 4 Advocating For Lasting Change

NURS FPX 6218 Assessment 4 Advocating for Lasting Change

NURS FPX 6218 Assessment 4

Assessment 4 - Advocating for Lasting Change


Capella University


Instructor’s Name

December 2023

Advocating for Lasting Change

Welcome, esteemed policymakers and stakeholders, to this presentation on catalyzing positive change in the community health care system of Jordan. 

As we embark on this transformative journey, we delve into a comprehensive proposal designed to address pressing health issues, promote mental health awareness, combat substance abuse, and enhance nutritional offerings. 

Grounded in evidence-based strategies, this presentation outlines a vision that not only respects the community’s traditions but also embraces the need for progressive health initiatives. Join us in exploring the potential benefits, navigating potential barriers, and fostering stakeholder engagement to create lasting positive impacts on the well-being of the community.

Policy and Financial Support

Proposed changes to a health care system necessitate both policy and financial support to foster positive, systemic change and surmount prevailing challenges. Health care systems operate within intricate regulatory frameworks that dictate the delivery, accessibility, and quality of care. 

Policies serve as the guiding principles that influence how resources are allocated, services are rendered, and healthcare organizations function. Without appropriate policies, initiatives aimed at transforming healthcare practices and addressing emerging issues are susceptible to inconsistency, inefficiency, and potential failure (Baumann, 2021). 

For instance, in the context of the proposed health education program in the community of Jordan, the absence of policies mandating mental health education in schools may hinder the implementation of comprehensive mental health programs. Policy support is therefore crucial to institutionalize and sustain positive changes in the healthcare system.

Additionally, financial support is integral to the successful execution of proposed changes. Healthcare interventions often require significant investments in infrastructure, human resources, technology, and community outreach. For instance, the expansion of services at a local food shelf to include healthier food options, as outlined in the change proposal, necessitates financial resources to procure better-quality protein and fresh produce. 

Assumptions underpinning the rationale for specific policy support include the belief that well-crafted policies aligning with community needs will provide a regulatory framework conducive to change implementation (Bell et al., 2019). Moreover, there is an assumption that financial investments, guided by these policies, will translate into improved health outcomes, indicating a commitment to long-term community well-being (Bell et al., 2019). 

In essence, the case for policy and financial support is rooted in the recognition that these pillars are essential for effecting meaningful, sustainable, and positive transformations in healthcare systems.

Evidence-Based Intended Outcomes

The proposed changes to the health care system are underpinned by compelling evidence that meticulously aligns with the intended outcomes. For instance, the introduction of comprehensive mental health education programs in schools is supported by robust evidence highlighting the prevalence of mental health issues among youth and the adverse consequences of insufficient education in this domain (Petkari et al., 2020). 

A middle school teacher’s concerns, expressed during the community health assessment, underscore the critical gaps in mental health education, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions. This evidence not only recognizes the existing challenges but also provides a clear link between the proposed change and the intended outcome of enhancing the community’s mental health.

Similarly, the proposal to address the opioid epidemic through community programs is substantiated by evidence reflecting the concerns of a parent in the Jordan community. 

The parent’s apprehensions about the safety of the community’s youth align with broader studies indicating the detrimental impact of opioid abuse on individuals and communities (Petkari et al., 2020). By carefully selecting evidence that directly correlates with the proposed changes, the case for achieving the intended outcomes becomes persuasive and well-founded. The evidence not only supports the need for change but also demonstrates a clear path from intervention to positive community health outcomes.


To successfully implement the proposed changes in the healthcare system for the community of Jordan, a comprehensive budget has been outlined to cover key funding requirements crucial to the success of the initiatives. The budget estimates encompass both capital and human resource outlays, ensuring a strategic allocation of funds (Jehad, 2023). 

For instance, the introduction of mental health education programs in schools necessitates funding for skilled educators, program coordinators, and the development of educational materials. 

This is substantiated by data from educational experts and stakeholders involved in the community health assessment who emphasized the need for specialized resources. Likewise, addressing the opioid epidemic through community programs requires budgetary allocations for outreach campaigns, engaging community influencers, and potentially hiring experts in substance abuse prevention. 

By aligning budgetary estimates with specific needs grounded in evidence, the proposal ensures a realistic and well-supported financial plan to achieve the proposed positive changes in the community’s health landscape.

Plan for Leading Transformational Change

Leading transformational, evidence-based change in an organization requires a well-defined plan that aligns with the organization’s vision and goals (Sligo et al., 2019). Firstly, a clear vision for change must be articulated, emphasizing the desired outcomes and benefits. 

In this case, the vision for Vila Health involves becoming a community health leader by addressing identified health issues and fostering positive health outcomes. The goal is to enhance overall community well-being by implementing evidence-based practices.

The strategy for leading change involves applying the Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model, a well-established change theory. The first step is to establish a sense of urgency by communicating the importance of addressing community health issues promptly. This aligns with the organization’s vision for positive health outcomes. 

The second step is to create a guiding coalition, involving key stakeholders, executives, and community leaders who can champion the change. The third step is to develop a vision and strategy, precisely outlining the goals and objectives of the proposed changes. This includes initiatives such as mental health education programs, addressing the opioid epidemic, and improving nutritional offerings.

The fourth step involves communicating the vision and strategy across the organization, emphasizing the evidence-based rationale behind each proposed change. This step ensures that all members of the organization understand the importance of the initiatives and their role in achieving the goals. 

The fifth step is to empower broad-based action by removing barriers and fostering a supportive environment. In this context, overcoming resistance related to traditional community values and financial constraints is crucial. The sixth step is to generate short-term wins, showcasing the positive impacts of the changes, such as improved mental health awareness and reduced substance abuse cases.

The seventh step is to consolidate gains and produce more change, reinforcing the successful implementation of initiatives. Finally, the eighth step involves anchoring changes in the organization’s culture, ensuring that the evidence-based practices become integral to its operations. Throughout this process, communication, transparency, and engagement with stakeholders play a pivotal role in mitigating resistance and building support (Sligo et al., 2019).

Potential Future for Wellness

The potential future for wellness, health, and improved overall care at Vila Health envisions a community where individuals are empowered to proactively manage their health, leading to a reduction in preventable diseases and improved overall well-being. A visionary leader plays a pivotal role in steering this transformation by fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and evidence-based practices (Harolds, 2020). 

The assumption underlying this future vision is that a holistic approach to community health, encompassing mental health education, substance abuse prevention, and improved nutrition, will yield lasting positive outcomes. 

The chosen leadership style for driving change is transformational leadership, characterized by inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, and idealized influence. This leadership style aligns with the need for fostering a shared vision, encouraging innovative solutions, and addressing individual concerns, ultimately driving positive change and achieving the desired health goals for the community (Harolds, 2020).

Stakeholder Interest and Support

In cultivating stakeholder interest and support for the proposed changes to the community health care system in Jordan, a clear vision for change is essential. 

The vision entails creating a healthier and more resilient community by addressing mental health awareness, substance abuse prevention, and nutritional disparities (Duncan et al., 2023). Anticipating stakeholder concerns, the vision recognizes the historical identity of Jordan as a tight-knit community and aims to delicately balance tradition with progressive health initiatives. 

Acknowledging potential risks, particularly financial constraints at the Food Shelf, the proposed change emphasizes a collaborative approach and highlights the evidence-based benefits of the expanded food offerings. 

Clear and explicit evidence is provided through testimonials from a middle school teacher, a concerned parent, and the Food Shelf Manager, all underscoring the identified needs and the potential positive impacts of the proposed changes. This evidence serves to not only validate the proposed initiatives but also to engage stakeholders by addressing their specific concerns and aligning the proposed changes with the overall well-being of the community.


The proposed changes for the community health care system in Jordan represent a strategic response to identified needs, a commitment to evidence-based practices, and a vision for positive and sustainable transformation. By focusing on mental health education, substance abuse prevention, and improved nutritional support, we aim to create a healthier and more resilient community. 

The acknowledgment of potential barriers, coupled with thoughtful strategies for stakeholder engagement, underscores our dedication to inclusivity and collaboration. As we envision a future marked by improved wellness and care, we invite your support and partnership in turning these proposals into impactful realities for the well-being of the Jordan community. Together, we can foster a healthier, more informed, and thriving community for generations to come.


Baumann, A. (2021). Health reforms should focus on improving services and systems, not just containing costs. International Journal of Public Health, 66.

Bell, O. N., Hole, M. K., Johnson, K., Marcil, L. E., Solomon, B. S., & Schickedanz, A. (2019). Medical-financial partnerships: Cross-sector collaborations between medical and financial services to improve health. Academic Pediatrics.

Duncan, A., Stergiopoulos, V., Dainty, K. N., Wodchis, W. P., & Kirst, M. (2023). Community mental health funding, stakeholder engagement and outcomes: A realist synthesis. BMJ Open, 13(2), e063994.

Harolds, J. A. (2020). Quality and safety in healthcare, part lvi. Clinical Nuclear Medicine, 45(3), 200–201.

Jehad I. (2023). Clinical decision support systems’ usage continuance intentions by health care providers in Jordan: Toward an integrated model. International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering, 19(02), 111–133.

Petkari, E., Kaselionyte, J., Altun, S., & Giacco, D. (2020). Involvement of informal carers in discharge planning and transition between hospital and community mental health care: A systematic review. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 28(4).

Sligo, J., Roberts, V., Gauld, R., Villa, L., & Thirlwall, S. (2019). A checklist for healthcare organisations undergoing transformational change associated with large-scale health information systems implementation. Health Policy and Technology, 8(3).

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